Go And Wash That Blood Off!

She asked with a frown on her face and narrowed eyes.

"Who?" Valerio raised his brows at her.

"I don't really know. It's a woman, and she is staring at me in a really weird way." She clarified, and a scowl ensued on Valerio's face.

"Hmm...how does she look?" He inquired.

"Um... she has brown hair, and I think her eyes are-" Before her sentence could be completed, the supposed woman, who was Kiesha, turned around and walked away, leaving Everly to stare at her disappearing silhouette in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Not sure why she suddenly went silent, Valerio asked.

"Nothing. She's gone." Everly looked away from the window and turned to Valerio.

She walked up to him and grabbed his hand.

"Are you badly hurt?" She inquired, still concerned about his injured hand.

"No. Am fine." Valerio shook his head at her and frowned when Everly began to touch his nails. "What are you doing?" He questioned.