Who Would You Chose?

Everly, who had her face buried in her knees, lifted her head and looked at Vincent.

She stared at him in thought, wondering who he was.

"Vincent!" Luthier's voice suddenly sounded, and Everly and Vincent shifted their gazes in the direction where Luthier's voice sounded from.

With a smile on his face, Luthier walked towards him and exchanged a handshake with him.

"Good to see you. I didn't think you would come back after our last encounter." He chuckled softly, and Vincent half smiled at him.

"What…is going on?" Vincent inquired as he glanced at Everly, who was still seated on the sofa.

"Oh…" Luthier looked at Everly. "It's a long story, so come with me." He gestured towards his private room, and Vincent followed after him.

He closed the door once they were in the room and took a seat on the sofa opposite Vincent's.

"What is she doing here, Luthier? And why is she being surrounded?" Vincent immediately began to question.