Is That So?

His cynical, serene voice like that of water sounded, and he took a long, deep sigh.

He smiled softly at her and let go of her hand.

He got out of bed and walked away to have Delacy find someone to wash Everly up.

He took his shower as well, and once he was done, he dressed up and sat down on the sofa next to the window with his legs crossed.

He locked his gaze on the dark sky, which was dotted with thousands of stars and a half moon.

He had actually just realized that this was his first time looking at the stars in a year.

He had no idea how beautiful they were all those years until now.

A smile spread across his face, and he threw his head back.


He thought, recalling that he had yet to tell Alex about his sight.

But...should he tell him?

He honestly has trust issues, and that's okay. But the problem is that Alex is his right-hand man.

Someone who has been by his side for many years.