Music To My Ears

"I despise when people run around the bush, pulling me along with them. It annoys me." He spoke and tilted his head to one side.


"I will ask you one last time, Raphael. Where is the boy?" He questioned.


Raphael stared at him and swallowed hard.


"B-Bostov!" He called.


Bostov answered him immediately, his hands balling into tight fists on seeing his boss held to the floor.


"Bring Levian out," Raphael ordered him, and he furiously blinked his eyes.


"But, boss, he—"


"Just bring him out!" He glared at him, shutting him up, and obediently, Bostov nodded his head.


He walked out of the room, a confused expression visible on his face.


Just what was going on?


They were going to sell the boy off today for a nice deal, so why did his boss suddenly change his mind?


He wondered, and frustration filled him, unable to figure out the reason.