Can We Have A Talk Tommorrrow?

A whole hour passed without them saying a word to each other, and Everly lifted her hand.


She glanced at the watch clasped around her wrist and stood up from the chair.


"I will be taking my leave now." She said to Victor and grabbed her bag from the table.


She turned around to leave, but Victor called her, stopping her.


"Everly." He looked at her with a soft glint visible in his eyes.


"Yes." Everly turned her head to look at him.


"Can we have a talk tomorrow?" He asked.


"I am sorry, Victor, but I don't think we can—"


"There is something important that I really want to talk to you about, so please give me a chance. Just a few minutes." He implored, and Everly, whose lips were slightly apart, shut her mouth.


She stared silently at him for a few moments before taking a deep breath.