Does It Look Like I Care?!

Lucius gazed at him and let out a soft breath. "Yes, I would." He responded.


"I don't know why I find it hard to believe that. But let me tell you something, father. Whether you love Valerio or not, that title is mine! It belongs to me."

"I am your first son and the one who should inherit it. Valerio is a hybrid! I deserve it!" He stated this and turned around, wheeling himself out of the library before Lucius could even say a word.


The doors shut, and Lucius blinked his eyes.


"Could someone like you…rule? You do have the heart of a leader." He shook his head as he stared at the door, heavily disappointed.



[8: am in the morning]


Everly, who was already dressed up and ready to leave for work, slipped her feet into her shoes.


She grabbed her bag and moved to leave, but Valerio, however, snatched hold of her hand, stopping her.