Rose...What happened?

Rose stood staring at her car, unsure of what action to take.


She hasn't set foot in the family house for a while now, and neither has she seen Logan.


She wants to go there, but she is afraid of what his reaction may be.


He will definitely question her absence, which is okay, but what would she give him as an answer?


She pondered and tilted her head up to look at the sky.


Even if she decides not to go, she will still have to at one point.


It's not like she can avoid Logan forever.


The Logan she knows will come find her in the house sooner or later.


A deep breath fled her nose, and she pulled the door of the car open.


She stepped inside, turned the engine on, and warmed it for a while.


Once she was done, she drove out of the compound and onto the road, and it took her longer than she expected to arrive at the family house.