
[10:30 pm]


The timer rang, and Everly quickly sat up on the bed.


She looked around, and a soft breath fled her nose.


He was still not back.


She walked to the sofa, grabbed her coat that she had kept on standby just in case, and slipped into it.


She wore her shoes and walked out of the room with her phone in hand.


As she proceeded downstairs, she kept trying Valerio's number, hoping that he would pick up.


When he didn't, she got even more anxious.


Arriving downstairs, she walked out of the house and proceeded to the gate.


She would have asked Nihal to go with her, but she is pretty sure that he is asleep.


It's almost eleven p.m.


The question now is, where should she start looking for him?


She wondered and decided to walk around anywhere possible and keep dialing his number in the process.

