Then Why Did You Hurt Her?

Everly tenderly smiled at him and had him raise his head.


She caressed his cheek and gently pulled him into a warm hug.


Surprised, Levian blinked his eyes, not sure why she was hugging him.




"You don't like her, Levian," Everly said to him.


"H-huh?" Having not expected such a response, Levian stuttered.


Everly pulled back from the hug and grabbed hold of his shoulder.


She gazed directly into his eyes and chuckled softly. 

"You love her, Levian!" She said to him,


Not sure if he heard her right, Levian sat staring at her.


"What?" he asked.


"What you feel is more than just what anyone will feel for someone they only like. I am telling you from experience. I felt it with Valerio, and it wasn't like that. It was love. You have fallen in love with her without even knowing it."