What Was...It?

Mr. Lefron stared at her and scoffed. "Made you do what?" He questioned.

Sarah stopped laughing and looked at him with revulsion evident in her eyes. "Where do I begin, father? You say that you would have thrown me out if not for my late mother, but really, let's be realistic here. Do you really think that I love being here, living in this same house with you?"

"Pfft! You literally make my life a living hell, and living with you is quite traumatic and awful. I am very sure that my mother is rolling in her grave seeing all that you are doing. You think she would be grateful? No! I am very sure that she is disgusted by you and hates you. It was also your fault that she died!"

"You thought that you were doing me a favor, but you were not. All my life, all you have ever done is use me and still call me useless. You make me leave with men for your own benefit. Do you know what they tell me every time?" She asked.