I Am Sorry!!

He lifted the knife, ready to slit Vincent's throat, but Vincent, who had managed to break the straps with all the least bit of strength that he could, grabbed a hold of his hand.


He landed a heavy punch to his face, causing Alfonso to stagger back. He grabbed his head, able to glimpse the star shivering above his head.


Vincent grabbed his chest and coughed uncontrollably. "You asshole! What the fuck did you inject into my body?!" He asked in anger.


Alfonso, who had gotten a hold of himself, looked at him and laughed.


"Looks like it is beginning to kick in pretty well," he said as he wiped off the blood on his lips. He began to exude an aura of supernatural power, just like Vincent.


Vincent lifted his head and looked at him. "It may be hitting, but I will make sure to kill you today! If I am going to die, then you will have to go to hell with me!"