Do You Know Him?

Everly blinked her eyes and furrowed her brows. 

"Um…I am going to meet someone," she responded. 

"Oh…" Leia slowly nodded. "Well I am off to my family house," she said and began to walk out of the mansion.

Everly followed after her and they went their separate ways at the gate. While Leia had Nihal drive her, Everly took the cab to the cafe where she is meant to meet with Nix.


Valerio who was seated in his office, glanced at the watch clasped around his wrist. 

He took a deep breath and stood up from his seat. He walked to the window and stood staring at the dark sky. 

As much as he did not want to go to the family house, he eventually had made up his mind to do so. Not because of Lucius, but because he wanted to see who these people that wanted to meet him are. 

He had questioned Lucius, but Lucius refused to tell him.