What Is Going On?

Leia furrowed her brows and thought deeply for a few seconds. 

"I…am not sure. Why do you ask?" 

"Someone told me that I could possibly be one," Everly replied. 

Leia scratched her head in thought and abruptly shrugged. "Well, it could be possible. Maybe, maybe not." She stood up from the block. "I really hope you are not one though." 

Everly immediately frowned at her as she also stood up. "What do you mean by that?" she asked. 

"Nothing, don't worry about it." Leia began to walk away, leaving Everly to hurry after her. 

"You wanted to tell me something, Leia. what Is it?" Everly queried. 

Leia halted and looked at her. "It's best if you don't know. If it ever turns out that you are one, I will tell you, then." 


"No buts, Everly. Let's go home." Leia glared and flagged down a cab. 


Seated at the bar, Valerio rubbed his temple, slightly annoyed.