
"You're an idiot!" Nix grunted and rang for the nurses to get him proper food to eat. "You're going to starve to death at this point if I am away for too long."

If only the man could see, he definitely would have rolled his eyes at him. "You are so grumpy. Just get me something to eat."  

"And who's going to feed you?" 

"You, of course!" 

"No, I won't!"  

"Yes, you will!" 

"The nurses will feed you." 

"But I don't want that. You think I'm going to have one of those pretty nurses feed me like a baby? Never!" Vincent refused. "That's embarrassing. I may be in this condition, but I gotta keep my reputation up." 

"Why in the hell do I even bother?" Nix stood up from the bed to leave. 

"Hey, where are you going?" 

"To get you food, idiot. I can't have you starve to death in my hospital. Valerio will kill me." A sigh fled his nose, and he glanced at the man one more time before turning to leave. "Wait for me."