Chapter 7 - Family Matter part 2

(Ishtar Pov)

"So run that by me again, your 4,000 years old, A goddess of Babylon, You have an alien attached to you, and the story of you being married to Nergal is based on truth, but in actuality its some evil alien God from another world." Batmans unending questions came to an end, but his critical nature of picking apart information had just begun, we had made it back to the hall, and while the kids were left on earth, I was interrogated within the watch tower. My eyes scanned around me at the hero's with strange eyes at my tale.

"It's pretty rude to talk about my age, but everything else is more or less true." I couldn't say anything, lying would do nothing to help me, if I wanted to stop knull from whatever his plans were, I needed power, power I didn't have alone.

"More or less is not the answer were looking for, everything about you is a lie, while I had my suspicions, I gave you the benefit of the doubt for all the good you did." Batman seemed to speak for everyone here, his hands moving as large holograms were placed in the air, showing ancient texts from long ago.

"Your blaming me? for something I didn't think would become a factor, how was I to know this would happen." I said, and while I knew it was a weak argument from the look of the other members, it was the only thing I could say was at this time.

"No, I'm looking at all you've done and putting the facts together. Your secrets have put us, the kids, and the world in danger. Your husband is a God of darkness from some unknown part of space, and from what he said, he has had run-ins with many other races that make up the team. This is not merely about blame, its about everything that you haven't told us." Batman did not let up, and while telling the truth would be the best, there was only parts of the truth I could tell.

"Project Cadmus is a mess, you knew that this Knull character was imprisoned there, the fact that this could have been dealt with better is because your lack of trust in us." Superman interjected in the conversation, and while his words are true, they still try to leave room for understanding.

"What do you expect me to say, hey, my power comes from an alien, also the father of my kid is an Evil God from space, that is kept locked away from the world. Do you see how that sounds, we all have secrets, all of us! I just didn't want this to effect the life I've tried so hard to build." I spoke with meaning, it was true that I didn't trust anyone, but what would any of them say to this wild information.

"While I don't condone how she carried out, and left us in the dark about the situation. I can understand her worry about this, all of us have past and enemies that changed our live's." When I was at the end of what to do, it was wonder woman who spoke, I knew she was disappointed but she and I have talked for a long time, about many things.

"I get that you're worried about this knull guy, Bats, but it shouldn't erase all the good she's done for the world too, I'm not saying she's right, but she has tried to change the world with us." Barry said, his eyes looking at me as if confused, but he did defend me nonetheless.

"I get what you're all saying but it does not change the fact that she lied, and put everyone in danger, not to mention we don't even know where he is, or what he can do, what we need is information, information that she has about his actual threat level." Batman took in there words, pulling up a picture, a depiction of Knull standing atop strange tendrils with me by his side.

"From the old text, it says that he can possess others, as well as having tremendous amounts of strength, I've told Constantine to look in on the matter, but it seems that he has no idea about the situation. He's not a demon, well not in away that Constantine is use to, and the Green Lanterns are quiet about the situation. but from his words we can tell he's been around for a long time, having information about kryptonians, atlanteans, and Amazons." My head hurt over the information that Batman went over, his words almost dismissing me to the roll of watcher to what I have done.

" I know it's hard, especially when it comes to your child, but lady scream, we need information." Black Canary said to me, her voice made up of different emotions, her hand placed on top of mine that she tried to appeal to mine motherly nature.

"*Sigh, He is as old as time itself, he has been here long before the world's human ancestors walked the Earth, as for his physical strength, I'd say he could fight Superman on equal terms, but as far as machinations and tactics, he can raise armies just by merely possessing any of us." Even I didn't know everything, and the matter is that no one but my father did, but I could not say that, if I could not get help from them, I could only turn to my father.

"I get all that but I think we should ask your other half, I think she will give more valuable information to how we can stop him." Batman went on, his mind working over what could be done, picking out that scream probably knew more then me.

"I only know as much information as she does, and while I was birthed from him, everything, after the connection was broken has lost the time." I didn't even need to call her out, her head floating next to me as she spoke to the team, it was true that ever since the connection was broken a lot of our memories were gone.

"If he gives birth to these, symbiotes, you call them, I'm sure they share some similarities with Knull, I'd like to take samples if that's fine with you." Batman picked through the information fast, asking to take samples of scream, but I knew I had no choice in the situation.

"Ahhhh!!" Martian Manhunter let out a yell, after getting a nod from Batman, I could feel something try to crawl into my brain, but all he did was yell.

"You okay Martian Manhunter? What happened." Batman said, it was clear to me that he wanted him to look into my mind, but something went wrong.

" I can't hear anything, nothing from her, or from either of them, it's just endless screeching." Martian held his head, his eyes unfocused at this as he waved his hand to Batman.

"This was not what we talked about, Bruce, forcefully looking into someone's mind is not okay.." Superman crossed his arms speaking the Batman about his strange conduct.

"I merely wanted to test a theory, my apologies." Batman said almost in a dismissive manner as he typed away on his keyboard, the information constantly changing on the Holograms in the air.

"You guys, may look at me or my actions however you wish, but Knull is a threat, when he puts his mind to something he will never stop, something I've learned over a lifetime." I said, my voice cracking at the end as I looked around the table, trying to bring the words out. " if you can't believe anything I say, or if you want to lock me away, it is fine, but please, I'm asking all of you, please keep him away from my son.." I couldn't hold it, I knew he would call to him again, I knew that he wished us to be by his side and I wouldn't let it happen.

"Look I know, but we're not going to imprison you, but you will help us correct this problem." Batman said, turning his back to me, my eyes watching as the members smiled at me lightly.

"I don't know about the pain that tormented you for all this time, but we're not here to add on to that, you've done well for many years, and I won't just throw that away. But we're a team, when one of us has a problem like this, it's all our problem." He went on, his eyes turned towards me for a moment, walking away as he typed on his wrist computer.

"Thank you.. but there is one thing.. the light.."

(Next chapter will be about cadmus and Muaka's pov)