Lonely 2

"You took quite a while, what's going on?"

"It's just work-related issues."

That trash! Is he deliberately bringing up our work?

"Oh, so Shin also works part-time at your place, Snow?"


I immediately stepped on his foot and signaled to follow the current flow.

"Oh, I see, so I also work part-time."

"Heh... I didn't know you had a work friend, Snow."

"So he never told you about me?"

"I never told her because you only started working a few weeks ago!"

"You seem very close."

"Hahaha, of course, we're partners."

"Huh?! Who would want to be your partner?!"

"Oh, come on, Snow, don't be like that. I'll tell our boss, that you were very afraid of his scolding back then, right?"

"Huh?! Weren't you scared too?! Trash!"

We then argued endlessly, attracting the attention of everyone on the train.

"Hahaha... you two are close."

"We're not close!"

Our simultaneous response made Jasmine unable to hold back her laughter anymore, and Lilith laughed along too. In the end, we were scolded by the train staff for causing a disturbance, the most embarrassing experience of my life.

"Enough, you two, just admit it. You're very suitable as partners."



This journey is very long, we have to change vehicles several times. Starting from trains, buses, and finally, we have to cross the island to reach District H.

But the boat we're going to board won't depart until tomorrow at 8 a.m., so we're forced to rest in District O. This district is a coastal district often visited by tourists, known for its beach views and very clean white sand.

We decided to stay in one of the inns near the port, this inn has a classic District A building design, the same as Jasmine's house design.

"Now, I got the keys. Now let's divide the rooms, room no. 3 for me and Lilith and room no. 4 for Snow and Shin."

"I don't want to share a room with him."

"Oh... so you'd rather have me share a room with Lilith? You're very kind, brother."

"That's what I least want! And don't call me that! I'm not your brother!"

In the end, I reluctantly agreed to Jasmine's advice, and fortunately, there are 2 beds in this room, otherwise, I would have made this trash sleep on the floor.

"In that case, I'll go first."

"Where are you going?"

"I want to go for a walk with Lilith, she's the one who invited me."

"Don't joke!"

He showed his phone screen in front of me, where I could see Lilith saying she wanted to shop for a while and asking this trash to accompany her.

"I can't believe it."

"Read the bottom part too."

"The bottom?"

It says "If your brother protests, show him this message." Damn!

"So, Snow, can I go?"

"Fine, but just this once."

"Okay, thank you."


"What else?"

"Take care of my sister."

"I already know that, relax bro."


While they were out, I started packing up my stuff and resting my body a bit on the bed. There are many things on my mind, from whether our old home is still intact or not, to the location of Mother's grave, and I'm thinking about what the trash said on the train earlier. He's right, if Jasmine finds out the truth, she might hate me. But, I don't want that to happen, and this feeling isn't fake. Even so, would she accept the truth that I'm not just an ordinary human, especially ordinary humans wouldn't be able to accept the existence of "monsters" like us?

"I'm so confused."

Amidst this confusion, someone knocked softly on my room door. Who could it be?

"Um... Snow, are you in there?"

"Yes, just a moment."

When I opened the door, Jasmine was wearing casual clothes with a small bag on her shoulder, she lowered her face.

"Hi, Snow."

"Hi, what's up, Jasmine?"

"Um... well... are you busy now?"

"Not really."

"So, um... I want to look for some things..."

I could already guess, she must want me to accompany her.

"Alright, I'll come with you."

"Eh! How could..."

"I can already guess, let's go now."


The evening atmosphere is so beautiful today, bustling with residents out and about. This place is known for its shopping center, especially its seafood, and there are also some items from outside the District being sold here.

"Hey, a young couple over there!"

"You mean us...?"

"Yeah, who else, come here and take a look at the beautiful souvenirs from this district."

Not knowing where to go, we decided to entertain his offer.

"What do you have, sir?"

"For young couples like you, I recommend this bracelet adorned with seashell ornaments. How about it?"

"Sorry beforehand, sir, but we're not a couple. We're just friends, right Snow?"

I just nodded quietly, the souvenir seller seemed confused by our answer.

"Too bad, you two look very compatible."

We both chuckled softly at his opinion, this isn't the first time we've been called a couple. We've been called a couple many times in District C, both at school, outside of school, and even at our favorite café. I'm used to being called that because we do look like it. Unfortunately, we don't have feelings for each other.

"Hey, Snow, this bracelet looks nice too."

"Do you want it?"

"But the seller said it's for couples."

I smiled a little at her response, and then I slowly took the bracelet and put it on, Jasmine looked confused by my action.

"In that case, let's just pretend we're a couple for tonight. How about it?"

"Hahaha, you..."

Jasmine immediately hugged my arm, she looked happy.

"Alright, but just for tonight, okay, Snow?"


We then paid for the bracelet and went around again, stopping by various shops, from clothing stores to souvenirs, and many more. It's been about an hour of strolling, and we decided to take a break at a local food vendor not far from the shopping center.

We enjoyed dinner very comfortably, the main dishes here are seafood of various types, and it's delicious. Jasmine also seemed to like it, she smiled several times while eating.

After finishing the meal, we walked back to the inn.

"Tonight was enjoyable, Snow."

"Yes, you're right."

"Aren't you cold, Snow?"

"A little."

Jasmine then hugged me from behind.

"How about now?"

"Well, now it's warm."

In the middle of the journey, we met Shin and Lilith who were also returning to the inn.

"Brother! We finished shopping..."

"Oh Lilith, are you done shopping?"



"I might be able to understand your relationship with her now. But can you not do it in public?"

We fell silent hearing her words, and when we got to the inn, the two of us were forced to sit on the floor.

"Um... my dear sister, what's going on here?"

"Hah... listen to me carefully. I don't protest at all about how you want your relationship to be, it's because the relationship between you two is your own decision. But! At least you should be able to control yourselves, it doesn't matter how affectionate you want to be, but at least do it in the right place. Especially since you two are not lovers, you should be able to set boundaries on what is allowed and what is not."

"Lilith... sorry but we were just..."

"I don't want to hear any excuses. Moreover, you... rarely pamper me anymore...."


In an instant, the three of us fell silent, Jasmine then stood up and approached Lilith.

"Lilith, forgive me, I promise to limit my actions when I'm with your sister."

"No! What I mean is... I just... don't want others to think badly about you two, I didn't mean to separate you..."

"Is that so..."

Lilith lowered her head and her body began to tremble, Jasmine and Shin left the room and left us alone here. I'm still confused by Lilith's sudden change in attitude, tears slowly fell from her eyes and wet her hands.


I immediately ran to find a tissue and gave it to her, why was she suddenly crying? What's going on here?

"Lilith! Why are you suddenly crying? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Let me get the first aid kit, wait a moment!"

As I was about to stand up, she grabbed my clothes.


"Don't go..."

"But I have to get..."

"No need... I'm fine..."

"Then why are you crying? I'm very worried, what's wrong Lilith?"

"I... I just... want you here, I don't want you to go..."


I gently wiped her tears and stroked her head, suddenly her crying became louder and she hugged me tightly.


"I just want... to always be by your side, to always be with you, but because you're always working I didn't want to disturb you, but still... I... miss being pampered by you... hugged... cared for... and go out with you..."

I returned her hug, her trembling body now starting to calm down.

"I just don't want to lose you, you're my only family, I'm always worried when you're on a mission, when you're unconscious for a week I feel lonely, I start to get scared... I'm afraid of losing you... gradually I think about leaving this job and going to a distant place, where we can live peacefully... without enemies... without conflicts... without problems... just peace. I know I'm selfish and spoiled, but I... don't want to lose you... just imagining if you disappear someday already hurts my heart..."

I understand now, that Lilith is just lonely. Of course, she's lonely, I'm always on a mission, and I've even been unconscious twice during a mission. It's no wonder she's scared, really... how could I not be aware...

"Lilith, forgive me. I'm a bad brother for not being aware of this."

"No! You're not a bad! You're the best brother ever!"

"Thank you, but... for going to a distant place I can't agree."

"Why, sis?!"

"Because thanks to this job, we can live comfortably now. Especially if we can defeat them, then true peace can be achieved. And if we leave now, it's the same as abandoning our friends to suffer. Our job may be full of risks, but I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Sis... okay, but never leave me alone again."

"Yes, for sure."


"Hey, Shin."

"Hm... what is it?"

"Isn't compared to my relationship with Snow, her relationship with snow is..."


"No, not that..."

"They both are examples of true siblings, they love each other as family, protect each other, and always worry about each other."

"Did anything happen while you were out earlier?"

"Hm... yes, when we were shopping Lilith saw a pair of siblings playing, when the younger one fell and cried, the older one came and helped. They looked very close and loving towards each other, then they went home holding hands. Maybe the behavior of those two siblings made her like that, honestly, Snow and I have experienced many difficult days working, which makes us very busy. Lilith is indeed a spoiled sister, I'm sure she's just lonely. That's why your decision to invite me out was the best decision for now."

"You're so calm."

"Yes, I'm used to it."


"Don't worry, their relationship is purely healthy, nothing more."

"Hm, thank you. By the way, why are you so concerned about Lilith?"

"How do I put it... Lilith looks very similar to my ex-girlfriend."

"So you like her?"

"Yes, I like her."

"So how's your girlfriend now?"

"Hm... I think she's very happy there, in a different realm from us."

"Oh my! I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

"It's okay, it's been a long time anyway."


"I'm curious, what is she doing now?"