king's landing

Lothar von ruppin''Let all brave Prussians follow me''

Friedrich Wilhelm POV

After leaving Lord Stark's tent I felt a little more relaxed, my plans so far had gone as they should, the rebels won, but they suffered many casualties, Robert was wounded, and I managed to demonstrate the power of the Teutonic fury in combat, even now in less than 4 hours of combat against the royalists there are many voices that speak that a demon with horns destroyed (literally) Prince Rhaegar while he begged for mercy.

I had a good bargaining ground against the rebels when they came to the iron throne, but having backup plans can reduce my tendency to paranoia when something does not go as expected.

Arriving at my camp I began to reorganize my men, I don't know how many had fallen in combat yet, but they must be few, the left flank collapsed within minutes of our charge and with Charles leading the charge against the prince the casualties must be close to 0.

I decided to rest after this day, I should ride like mad to the landing to intercept the Lannisters and make the ruse to save Elia to have as much stability as possible in the kingdom.

At the first sunrise my men mounted, and we rode to the king's landing, leaving behind some knights and the doctors I promised to the rebels, so I could recover and heal the wounded.

After riding for 4 days for 13 hours a day we made it to my camp at Goldroad, we were only 1 day's march from the king's landing.

When I arrived, I was greeted by my guards

''Have the Lannisters already passed? I asked shouting

''no my lord there has been no sighting of the Lannisters yet''.

Finally, I arrived and was able to get some rest, my thighs ached too much from riding so far ahead of the Lannisters.

Entering my tent I saw my correspondence and had at my disposal all the information my spies had gathered in the city, secret tunnels and the position of the Wildfire depots.

Another not insignificant event is that Aleksanteri had managed to become a personal servant of Rhaegar's wife and had also been able to get 2 children with similar physical characteristics to elia's children when the sacking occurs we will make the plan to replace them using the crushed bodies of the children.

I had a full day of rest until the Lannister bannermen could be seen in the distance.

When they had contact with our camp, they decided to send a messenger to parley.

''Lord Tywin Lannister wishes to speak with the leader of this host'' said the knight

''that would be me'' I said as I moved forward with some of my knights.

After 5 minutes I found myself in the middle of the field between our 2 forces to speak with the lion of the rock, finally Lord Tywin appeared surrounded by his men.

''I assume you are the mercenary Robert Baratheon hired to end his troubles at The Reach?'' He said with a cold tone

''you assume well, I hope we can discuss his plans with respect to the capital, and we can complete the orders of the future king Robert ''I said returning his tone of voice

''we are going to do something very similar to what you did to take the castles in the reach in record time, I will arrive at the capital saying that I have come to help the king in his time of greatest need and when the gates are open finish with the dragons once and for all''

''it seems to me an excellent plan, but I must guarantee the interests of the future king, and he does not want a sacking of the city, the civilians will not be touched, we will only finish with the loyalists in the city and capture the Targaryen, so they can be submitted to justice'' I answered Tywin.

''I will take heed of your suggestion mercenary'' he replied in a sarcastic tone

''it was not a suggestion Lannister it was an order coming from your future king, if you want to show your loyalty you will obey'' I said back with a serious tone.

''With what authority does an eagle give orders to a lion?'', he said with an angry tone

''with the authority given to me by the king and my 55000 men behind me'' I answered him with a serene tone.

I could see Lord Lannister's angry face, he must be very angry to have to take orders from a mercenary.

''Fine, it will be done as you say'' he said almost forcing the words out

''fine, warn your men, whoever is caught attacking civilians or committing rape will face summary execution''.

"Well," Lord Tywin mumbled

I'm quite sure my orders are suggestions to him, and he will send his knights for the lives of Rhaegar's family as well, Tywin's defiance was in my plans, as this depended on faking the deaths of the royals and if Tywin truly obeys nothing will have to be done.

Finally, this unfriendly conversation was over, and we rode back to the capital, I would join the 12000 Lannister men with 10000 of my men carrying the lion banners.

While Charles and a group of 20 knights will infiltrate the castle through the secret tunnels to secure the royal family and also neutralize the Wildfire deposits throughout the city.

After a few hours of riding we arrived at the capital, the king's landing, Lord Tywin went ahead and spoke to the guards about how he had come to help the king against the rebellion and that he was still loyal to his old friend.

It was 20 minutes before the gates began to open, and the battle started, the Lannisters went in first, and they are the ones leading the attack, my forces are behind them waiting for the rest of my army to enter and making sure the orders I gave them are carried out.

Meanwhile, I and my group of knights headed to some tunnels near the castle and, guided by the map we already had of these tunnels, we managed to enter the castle.

The defenses were minimal, all the soldiers had left to defend the walls, and it was easy to reach the royal rooms where several of my men had already arrived.

When I reached the room of Rhaegar's wife, I could see the bodies of two Lannister knights surrounded by Charles's men.

They were the bodies of Ser Amory Lorch and Ser Gregor Clegane.

While Ellia martel held her son, and daughter with teary eyes.

''what happened'', I asked Charles

''did we arrive just in time, the knights had already reached Ellia's room, if it wasn't for Aleksanteri having a crossbow loaded with a bolt poisoned with that shit he takes from the frogs he takes care of, we wouldn't have made it, and we finished killing the other one, gregor was already dying from the poison.'' said the Teuton

What's going to happen to us'' asked Ellia

''we're going to exchange your children for the bodies that your personal servant got'' she said pointing at Aleksanteri

''do you have them''' I asked the Finn

''who do you take me for, they are ready, we just have to crush them a little bit, so they can't be recognized'' said Aleksanteri.

Finally, my men brought two boxes with the bodies of two children that would impersonate the identity of Prince Rhaegar's son and daughter.

''I'll tell you what will happen, my men will take your children and take them out of the castle hiding them in boxes on a ship, you must pretend that you have just suffered the greatest loss of your life so that they believe us the farce, without your children your life should not be in danger, when all this is over my men will escort you by land or by sea, as we deem safer to dorne, where it will be your responsibility to hide the identity of your children, I hope they do not try in the future to claim the throne because I personally will go to kill them if that happens, I do this to ensure stability in this kingdom, I do not do it for you or your family, is that clear? '', I said with a grim tone.

Elia didn't answer but nodded

We got down to work, my men put Ellia's children in boxes and took them through the tunnels to the outside towards a ship that we had captured earlier in the port of the city where they would be sheltered until this storm was over.

with the help of my men we crushed and stabbed the lifeless bodies of the children who would stand in for Rhaegar's son and daughter and placed them in chests with a Lannister cloak over them and also the heads of Tywin's monsters in other chests.

When we arrived at the great hall we saw the lifeless bodies of 2 people, the mad king and his king's hand both killed by a sword and sitting on the iron throne Jaime Lannister the king's royal guard with his bloody sword.

I ignored him I knew his reasons why he did it and I did not want to play the white knight by reproaching him for this treason we left the chests with the bodies of the children and the heads of the lannister knights, finally we took our seats waiting for the arrival of the rebels and Lord Tywin.

To my surprise it was Eddard Stark the first great lord to arrive to the great hall, before 2 bannermen of the Lannisters had arrived, but I didn't think anything of it.

Eddard performed the act that I refrained from doing before, he blamed Jaime for being a kingslayer who had no honor and was the dishonor of the royal guards, when he approached the chests to see what was inside I stopped him.

''You better not do it Lord Stark, you won't like what you will see'' I said with a sad tone, Lord Eddard decided not to listen to the suggestion and opened a chest to see the mutilated corpse of a girl, turning to me

''YOU DID THIS?'' he asked furious

''No, I failed to secure them, I was too late, I could only save the mother of Tywin's knights'' I said looking at the floor.

After that conversation, Lord Stark exits the great hall with anger on his face.

The next great lord to arrive was Tywin, the first thing he did was to check the chests, and every time he opened one he turned to look at me with a face that he was better than me, he did this act 2 times until he opened the third one and saw the heads of his men, instead of giving me that look he gave me one of just anger

''WHERE IS ELLIA?'', asked the furious lord

''safe in my camp far away from your reach'' I said calmly

Again the same thing happened Lord Tywin left the hall without saying anything, but with a noticeable face of anger because I spoiled his plans of revenge, finally I got up and decided that no one else of importance would arrive for a couple of days.

After 3 days Robert arrived at the king's landing and Tywin presented him the mutilated and rotting bodies of Rhaegar's ''son and daugther'', Lord Stark confronted Robert about how he should punish Lord Tywin for the criminal act of mutilating Elia children, but he only said

''I see no babes, only dragonspawn''

When he said this answer, Lord Stark's face was full of disappointment, he asked if he was going to punish Jaime for the murder of the king, but the answer was also negative, after that Lord Stark left the great hall, I knew what he would do, and I decided to give orders for my men to guard him on his journey to look for his sister.

I was questioned a little because I had saved Ellia, but knowing that we could use her to bring peace with Dorne, Lord Arryn congratulated me.

The next day was the coronation of Robert as the new king of the seven kingdoms and where the most important thing for me happened, my contract as a mercenary.

Arriving to a small room I met Lord Arryn the new hand of the king and Robert the new king of the seven kingdoms and to my surprise there were only the two of them.

I was expecting the presence of the supreme septon, but it seems that it will not happen.

''lord Hohenzollern, your help with this war was of great importance to the king; however, we would now like to talk about fulfilling our agreements with you'' said Jon Arryn with a friendly tone

''of course, I am delighted to finally receive payment for my hard-earned services'' I said taking the contract out of my pocket and showing it to the king.

''that's exactly what I wanted to talk about, you see, the surrender of the entire domain of the reach is a problem for the crown, due to the fact that a large number of nobles in the area will be left homeless, that's why we would like to negotiate your terms now'' said lord jon arryn

Here we go, the religious problem and the problem of the rule of foreign men.

The crown would like you to leave the lords south of Highgarden untouched while you take direct possession of the other territories, what do you say?'' asked Lord Arryn.

What, LISTEN BADLY, THEY WILL GIVE ME THE TERRITORIES, but this is politically unfeasible, this is idiotic, why do they do it, without realizing it I went into a panic attack, I had already given up hope of ruling the reach, I quickly calmed down and tried to force better conditions.

''mhh you see Lord Arryn I lost almost, 18000 men in this war, I would not like to be denied something that was already agreed, but I understand your reasons (I don't) I am willing to cede these territories to their rightful owners for some legal conditions''.

''like what''I ask Robert''to have freedom of conscience, to be able to worship whoever we want, legislative freedom to be able to apply the Prussian codes and to have my ancestral title of king in Prussia recognized.

There was a long silence and Jon Arryn began to whisper to Robert and then returned to talking to me.

''the title of king is difficult to accept, there can only be one king in the seven kingdoms, the other conditions are fine with us'' said Lord Arryn.

''I only ask that you recognize that I am king elsewhere, not within the seven kingdoms, when I address the king I will use my noble title that you give me, I only ask that the tradition of my family can continue to be used for my men who call me king in Prussia.

''come on Jon, don't be mean to him, it's only a title nothing more'' said Robert.

Jon was thoughtful ''well, let him keep the title, but he can't use it in any banquet, tournament or other activity of the kingdom, it can only be used in his territories'' said jon arryn

I was getting ready to leave when Jon Arryn stopped me.

''One more thing Lord Hohenzollern, the church requests that you pay him a compensation for what happened in his occupation of the reach'' he said with a serious tone

''how much would this compensation be?'' I asked with a friendly tone

''a small sum 3 million golden dragons'' he said looking me in the eyes

''of course it is no problem I will compensate the faith of the seven for the transgression happened in the occupation''.

Finally, King Robert in the great hall granted me the captured titles, except for the territories south of Highgarden and the title of Lord Paramount of The reach

After the ceremony I was dancing in my camp, seeing that everything had gone well and that all those feelings of having to look for another place to give a life to my men disappeared.

Finally, I sent Ellia and her children by ship to dorne with a group of Prussian sailors led by Aleksanteri to deliver, with the most secrecy possible, that valuable cargo and to make peace with dorne.