a party to remember III

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Friedrich Wilhelm POV

286 AC third moon

It had already been 3 days since the arrival of King Robert's retinue, all my guests had already arrived and to my surprise some northern lords also came to my party, mainly those who were under my influence as the Glovers, since all their trade now passes through the new port we have built.

We had accommodated our honored guests in the walled sector in their respective manors, for most of them brought small retinues of men-at-arms to accompany them.

But lord Tywin was the only one who seems to have brought almost 2000 men-at-arms to my city to guarantee his safety with such a large number of men-at-arms I had to offer space in the newly built apartments on the outskirts of the city.

This is clearly a show of strength from house Lannister, since what he is doing is saying that he does not trust the security that my guards and knights can offer and making it clear that they are still a rich and powerful house.

Apparently, someone was upset when he discovered that they are no longer the richest house of the seven kingdoms and has something to prove to all the lords of the realm.

Luckily, the other lords only brought ceremonial escorts of only a few dozen men, but still so many lords in my lands has caused the population to increase by several thousand in a few days.

The merchants must be the happiest, since our guests are people who have more gold than the average visitor and will be able to sell many of their products at a good price and because of the increase of people interested in participating in the tournaments, the inns were full, everyone wants to dream that they can get the tournament prize.

But finally, everything was ready to hold the banquet, had built a large hall for this type of activity to contain large numbers of guests and while it was not in use functioned as a very large warehouse

But today it was in its maximum splendor, well decorated with my heraldry and the heraldry of other great lords, full of tables with silver tableware and good glassware for the glasses.

I was sitting on a chair in the hall where everyone could see me from their places, I could differentiate very specifically where the lords came from by how they dressed and especially the colors.

When at last the guest of honor King Robert appeared and sat down in his seat I prepared myself to give the speech to begin with

''My honored guests it is my pleasure to have you in my home today and to have you join me to celebrate this great day, my name day, nothing makes me happier than knowing that hundreds of my fellow nobles have put aside their responsibilities to join me in this celebration, because today we are not only celebrating my own feast day, but also the unity of the seven kingdoms, let's hope that this peace will last for many more years, but I do not want to take more time please eat and drink until you are satisfied, because the food will not be scarce in the week of festivities that awaits us'' at the end of my words I clapped twice and the servants began to enter bringing the food.

I stood up and went to my seat next to Lord Arryn and King Robert who was already attacking a giant turkey leg that was nicely roasted.

''Great opening speech Lord Hohenzollern, it is always my pleasure that whenever you can you try to help with the unity of the seven kingdoms'' Lord Arryn said smiling.

''Thank you for everything Friedrich, let's hope the archery competition will be interesting today'' said Robert while wiping himself with a handkerchief.

''I thank you both for taking time out of your busy schedules to visit me on this important day'' I said smiling.

''Ah, I didn't have much to do in the capital, by the way Friedrich your alcohol is warm, can't you do something?'', Robert said after drinking whiskey

''Robert, that's no way to treat the host of the banquet like that'' said Jon Arryn whispering to Robert.

''Ah don't worry I have the solution'' I said as I stood up from my chair.

''BRING THE ICE!'', I shouted to my servants.

With my shout most of my guests were silent, and they were watching me and after 2 minutes 4 Teutonic knights entered carrying a swan of ice of almost 2 meters high and many ice cubes that were chiseled by hand.

All the gentlemen were watching the majesty of the swan made of ice, and my servants began to deliver large amounts of ice to all the gentlemen with warm drinks.

''How is it possible that you have ice,'' Lord Arryn said in surprise.

''I could give you a long explanation, but you'd better enjoy it Lord Arryn,'' I said laughing.

''That's right, Jon, just enjoy it, you're only here for a day,'' said Robert laughing as he placed several ice cubes in his drink.

For the next 20 minutes, everything went on as it should all the time more of my servants were coming in and out bringing tray after tray full of food and several barrels were being opened at a time containing the alcohol that was being handed out like water in the desert.

Robert was not drinking as much as usual, which I found extremely odd considering how much Robert liked to drink.

''King Robert is something wrong, you are barely drinking, alcohol is not to your taste?'', I asked concerned.

''No, just that I promised I would control myself in your presence'' said Robert looking at Jon Arryn.

''Ah I understand then I suppose you will eat more?'', I said as I signaled to a servant who was bringing a whole roast pig

We thank you for your concern, Lord Hohenzollern,'' said Lord Arryn.

''Nothing to thank Lord Arryn for just doing my duty as host of this feast that there is no shortage of food and drink for my guests'' I said smiling.

''And you have done an enviable job'' Lord Arryn said as he took out a portion of pork.

''I must apologize Lord Arryn, King Robert, but I must go see to the rest of my guests, they might consider my attention to you as an insult'' I said serenely.

''Don't worry Lord Hohenzollern, we understand that you must worry about everyone enjoying this banquet'' Jon Arryn said, smiling.

''Don't worry about my Friedrich, I will be very busy with this pork which is exquisite'' said Robert as he took out some pork ribs.

I nodded and got up from my chair and began to look at my banner men, first seeing Lord Tarly first.

''lord Tarly, I hope you are enjoying this feast'' I said with a kind tone.

''my king, I thank you for your invitation, everything is in order, I have had no problems with the food or the drink'' lord Tarly said with his typical serious tone

As he said, those words, I could see how the rest of my banner men made faces of displeasure as they looked at lord Tarly

''that's good to know lord Tarly, if you need anything please let me know and I will make sure it gets done'' I said politely

I then turned my attention to Lord Leyton and his companions and approached them without saying a word.

''my lord, we appreciate your presence with us in what we can help you'' said Leyton Hightower a little nervously.

''I wanted to know if everything is alright regarding the banquet'' I said with a serious tone while staring at Leyton.

''yes..yes my lord everything is fine as expected from your diligence'' said Leyton.

''good to know, thank you for your presence at my party Lord Leyton, if you will excuse me, I will continue talking to the rest of the lords''.

''Hmmm Lord Hohenzollern, you remember my daughter Lynesse, she wishes to join you at the banquet'' said Leyton nervously.

''Yes I remember her, but I am very busy right now Lord Leyton, as much as I would like to spend time with your daughter, I must continue to attend to my guests, if you allow me, I must continue'' I said with an annoyed tone.

Lord Leyton did not insist, it seems he understood that the look he gave to Lord Tarly made me very angry.

I greeted the rest of my banner men, except for the Florents, they are the ones who have tried the most to raise the reach in arms against my government, until we finally arrived with the Tyrells who were at the end of the table, since I had ordered the tables according to the importance of the lord and his power.

''Lord mace tyrell I hope the food is to your liking'' i said kindly as i looked at his mother

''Thank you hmm...lord Hohenzollern...for hmmm allowing us to come to your name day feast'' said mace as he looked sideways at his mother

''Good to know lord mace I hope there are no hard feelings for what happened in the war'' I said smiling.

''No, my lord, I don't have any grudges for what happened in the war'' said mace looking at his food.

''That's nice, let's hope that soon we will be able to reduce the differences that my government has with the rest of the lords of the reach'' I said smiling.

''In fact, my lord, we have a proposal for you to help consolidate your government in the reach'' said mace looking up.

''We have?'', I said, raising an eyebrow.

'hmm....hmm I have my lord, I have a proposal for you''said mace nervously as he looked at his mother.

''It would be interesting to hear your proposal lord mace, but at the moment I am busy we can talk in the evening when the archery and melee tournaments are over'' I said as I headed off to talk to the supreme lords.

My conversation with Lord Hoster Tully was quite friendly until I reached the critical point of asking about his brother, which made him very angry, apparently, Brynden did not return home and preferred to serve as a knight to Lord Arryn, which provoked Hoster's anger, since he saw how his brother had betrayed his family to serve another lord and had disinherited him in retaliation for his anger.

I spoke with the lords of the Riverlands and saw how they had a large group away from them, the Frey at the end of the war they remained neutral, they did not choose sides and were ostracized, as they are considered pariahs in their lands for their behavior without honor in the same way they have good connections because they are powerful and rich for the taxes they put on the merchants who use their bridge.

The lords of the western lands were happy, but tywin was as serious as ever I found a much more pleasant chat with his brothers, but they were always attentive to their elder brother's reactions.

The dornish were calm, doran had come with his brother Oberyn, and he had brought 2 of his bastard daughters to the chagrin of some lords, but it was not something that could be held against him, as their culture is more accepting of bastards and holds them in good regard.

Renly was the living image of his brother, he was having a good time eating and drinking while he moved from table to table talking with his banner men, the only one who was not smiling at the table of the lords was Stannis who was with a serious face almost like a rock and his eyes fixed on me.

Having finished talking with most of my guests, I returned to my post to eat a little and continue listening to the music.

For the moment everything is going according to plan, the food has not stopped arriving, and our alcohol reserves are practically endless, there are tons of ice stored in our dungeons so even if the heat keeps rising everyone will be able to enjoy a cold drink

For the next few hours, I kept watching everything while we waited for the time to go watch the archery tournament and the melee tournament, as the nobles don't have to participate in the preliminary clashes, they will only make it to the last trials while all the interested ones are now fighting trial rounds to see if they are worthy to participate in the final part of the tournament and take the generous prize I have offered

When I was given the notice that we should go to the tournament grounds, I stood up and began to speak.

''My honored guests, I am sorry to interrupt this pleasant moment, but we can now go to watch or participate in the tournaments, so I kindly ask you to accompany me to witness this tournament and see the martial prowess of the competitors'' I said proudly.