Battle of the Bells(test chapter 3)

Here is another chapter, I managed to make some time after studying to rewrite and correct some mistakes in this chapter.

Any recommendations or opinion so far is appreciated.


Robert Baratheon POV

'At this very moment, I was groping the beautiful juicy breasts of Leslyn, a whore I met in the brothel where I was hiding from the royalist forces, there wasn't much to do, I was cornered and didn't seem to be getting any help.'

'All this because of the damned Targaryen, those incestuous sons of bitches had already wrecked the kingdom several times, with their damned wars for the decadence of their corrupt dynasty, but it seemed that the Targaryen rule could not sink any lower, along came the mad king burning everyone who dared to look directly at him, for in his madness he assumed that every time someone looked at him, they were trying to defy him'

'No, but the Targaryens could sink even lower, the mad king's son, the cursed Rhaegar, some had hoped that he would fix his father's misrule, but he proved to be as mad as his father, not content with having his wife, he decided to revive the barbaric traditions of the Valyrians and decided that he should have 2 wives like his ancestors'.

'The incestuous abomination of Rhaegar decided to kidnap my betrothed, my beloved Lyanna, this was the last tyranny of the Targaryens, but when Lyanna's father and older brother went to request her release and that Rhaegar pay for his crimes, the mad king burned the father and made Brandon watch as his father was burned alive, and he strangled himself as he tried to save his father'.

'Not content with killing two innocent men, he demanded my head and that of my brother from another mother, Ned, our foster father Jon Arryn, that man's duty and honor compelled him to protect us as if we were his own sons, and he rose in rebellion with us to make the Targaryens pay for their many crimes in his years of rule.

'The rebellion seemed to be going well at first. I managed to reach my home and call my banner men, but many did not answer my call and even joined the forces of the royalists, apparently the dragons still had sympathizers in some places even with the terrible acts they had committed'.

'I managed to defeat three armies in a single day, it was when I felt that we could win that there was still a great possibility of winning this war, but we were defeated by the army of the Tyrell, they were too much, an army that exceeded a hundred thousand soldiers, they forced me to retreat, but luckily they did not decide to pursue me, but decided to besiege my home to destroy the legacy of my family'.

'But the hand of the king decided to pursue me and with the survivors of the battle of ashford we fled until we arrived here but we were tired and we could not continue riding, we decided to rest, but the royalists caught up with us'.

'If it wasn't for the townspeople having hope that I can overthrow the Targaryen government of madness, I would already be in a cage with some of my men, as the people of this town have been helping me hide from the royalists by moving me from house to house, always one step ahead of the king's men, but it seems it's all over, at least I would die fighting and not at stake being an amusement to the mad king while he burns me in front of his court'.

'Or so I thought.

'As I was banging Leslyn the bells of the Sept began to ring, a strange thing, as it was not time for the septons to ring them, but all became clear when one of the most beautiful and familiar sounds reached my ears, the sound of combat, there is a fight in the town'.

'I looked timidly at the window and could see how the banners of Lord Arryn and my best friend Ned were moving through the town.'

'It means they made it in time, I must help them.'

'Quickly, I put my armor back on, with the help of some of the brothel whores, and took my warhammer to smash Jon Connington's forces that had forced me. To hide like a rat, it was time to return the humiliation.'

As I was leaving the brothel with some of my men, Lord Jon Connington and several of his men confronted me on the street leading out of the brothel.

"Wow... so here we have the king's pretender, hiding in the skirts of prostitutes, shame on you Baratheon, you should have died fighting like a man when you had the chance,.... now get ready to ... "said the king's hand not quite finished

'Before he could finish his words, the earth began to tremble.'

'After a few seconds, I could see why, a cavalry force with a heraldry I had never seen before charged through the streets of the town with huge spears '

'The soldiers and knights of the king's hand began to run desperately to get out of the knights' way'

'At last, the knights crashed violently against the royalist forces, striking with their horses the unfortunate men who could not move in time, many were swept away by the tide of steel and were crushed to death by the hundreds of horses that passed over them with their hooves.

'The knights galloped on, and when the last of the knights rode past, all that remained was the sight of the king's men torn to pieces, with arms and legs cut off and several piles of unrecognizable chunks of flesh.

'Before we could assimilate what had happened, we were approached by another group of knights wearing horns, who began to dismount and approach us.

'But the gaze of the leader of the knights wearing horns was fixed on the king's hand'.

''I am Charles, grand master of the Teutonic order, with whom today I have the honor of dueling'' the knight declared proudly, as he drew his weapon and signaled his men to surround Jon's forces.

''You damned traitors, you all condemned the kingdom to a real civil war'', said Lord Connington with much anger in his voice.

''I am lord Jon Connington, hand of the king and now your executioner, traitor, you will rue the day you decided to rebel against the Targaryens'' the hand of the king said as he drew his sword

''brave words, now fight and don't let me down'' said the knight giving the order to his men to attack the royalists.

''What I saw shocked me, Lord Connington, who is known as a skilled swordsman, struck the first blow, and it was the last.''

'The horned knight caught his sword with his gauntlet and no matter how hard the king's hand struggled to free his sword, it failed to do so'.

'The horned knight delivered a mighty blow to Jon Connington's abdomen, shattering his armor and forcing him to fall to his knees, finally Jon Connington's skull was destroyed by the second and precise blow of the horned knight's mace'.

'There was the remains of the skull of the king's hand all over the stairs of the brothel, even an eye had come out almost intact from the brutal blow.'

'The soldiers of the king's hand met the same fate, as they looked like children trying to defend themselves from the attacks of the horned knights'.

'In a matter of seconds, all the men who were formerly chasing me lay dead, during the few moments that this carnage occurred I did not move a single muscle, I was amazed at the skill of those knights'

'I am good at fighting, but that level of skill is not something you get by training 10 or 20 years, it must be much more, they must be veterans of many battles, but I don't remember seeing that heraldry, perhaps a new noble house?'

"You must be Lord Robert Baratheon, black stag on a yellow field, right?" said the leader of the knights staring at my tabard with the sigil of my house

"I am, I am grateful for your help, ser "I said in a kindly tone.

''you should not be grateful for anything, we were sent to help you, now if I may, there are survivors that we must kill, by my lord's orders we must kill as many as we can on this battlefield'' said the knight as he led his men to their horses to continue the fight

'They got on their horses and galloped off again in search of battle.'

'I looked around and didn't know what to do, all the mad king's soldiers were dead, they left no survivors.'

''Come on, we are in a battle, let's look for the idiots who are still loyal to the mad king''I said to my men who were still unfocused by what had happened.

'My men followed me, and we quickly moved through the streets of the city in search of enemies'.

'But wherever we went the result was the same, streets full of dead with the heraldry of the Targaryen and the noble houses that were loyal to them'.

'In other places we only found the people who had helped me hide, trying to avoid being caught in one of the violent battles that were happening in the town'.

'Until after a few moments, I heard sounds of fighting, I quickly ran with my men to join the fight.

'But I only saw how a handful of men wearing animal skins were subduing a group of 4 knights of the royalists, they outnumbered them five to one and the moment the knights tried to do anything against any of their enemies, their other companions attacked them from behind attacking the weak parts of the armor with their spears'.

'Looking for the joints in the armor, it was no surprise that the knights ended up dying within seconds, as they had to protect themselves from practically everywhere, one knight had a spear thrust through his knee, his sword removed, and he was grabbed by the arms and stabbed multiple times with an armor piercing dagger'.

'I didn't know who they served, since they don't wear anything that can identify them'.

''Who do you serve''I said, looking at the group of men wearing wolf skins.

'The men began to speak in an unknown language, perhaps they were from the north?'

'The men looked at the tallest of their group and he approached us'

''I, no, speak, you, language, well, we, protect, bodies, knights'' said the man pointing to the body of one of the knights with the heraldry that had saved me and 2 knights who were wounded.

'well it looks like you serve alongside those knights, must be their small folks'.

''You are the Baratheon, aren't you, your friends are looking for you, you must go with them'' said one of the knights who was wounded.

''We are in a battle, I cannot abandon the fight now, we must defeat the mad king's men'' I said, looking at the knight.

''These men serve with you, ser'' I spoke to the knight again.

''yes, we serve under the same flag, they are protecting the body of our fallen brother, while the fight is over and protect us until we can get help from a medic, I broke my arm and my brother here dislocated his leg'' said the knight while pointing at the same thing the other soldier pointed at.

''Who is your lord?'' I said doubtfully.

''Wilhelm von Hohenzollern is our lord and commander, but currently we serve a certain lord Arryn'' said the knight with a serious tone.

''thank you for the information, I already know whom to talk to thank for the help I received earlier''I said to the knight and left some of my men to help protect the wounded knights.

''I went back to what I was more interested in, the battle and after a good while looking for a fight I found knights of the house, Arryn fighting, at last, a good fight, so I could clean up my previous defeat.''

''OURS IT'S THE FURY''I shouted at the top of my lungs as I threw myself into combat against the forces of house Targaryen.}


for the moment, don't give me the stones, use them on someone who can guarantee stability in the chapters XD