Timeline [Spoiler]

This Chapter will cover events happened till Xia Tian reincarnation.


# World 1:

I)Xia Tian was born

II)Shui Ningxue born and died.

III)Xia Tian became Void realm cultivator.


# World 2


# World 3

-Xia Tian biggest failure. [The 8th girl]


# World 4

I)The Seven girls were awakened

II)Death of Twins

III)Remaining Five girls attained Void realm

[Note: Girls means Evelynn and her sisters.]


# World 5


# World 6

- Ceilia reborn and died


# World 7 [Ongoing World]

1.Era of Gods

I) God Of Heavens ruled the heaven, a high level realm ten times larger than divine realm.

II) Immortal Witch was born in the same era!

2.Great Desolate Era

I) Divine Emperor was born and unified the whole immortal world as one, bringing desolate era into existence.

II) Lightining Qilin race rescued by Irene.

3.Desolate Era [Current Timeline]

I) Xia Tian destroyed Fairy Realm

II) Heavenly demon king died. [Killed by Xia Tian few millions year before his disappearance. ]

(i) Old name:Xiao Chen

(ii)Current name:Xia Chen, First Child of destiny

III) Xia Tian disappeared after entering center of Void.

IV) Eternal Sun appeared in the world.

V) Three daughters of Immortal Witch were born.

IV)Xia Tian reincarnated [ 1 billion years after his previous disappearance .]


[Note 1: Timeline of Novel is divided into worlds, later in the novel the worlds are referred as chaos cycles, to avoid confusion.]

Note 2: Lifespan of one world can range from one thousand billion years to few tens of thousand billion years.

Note 3: After destruction of each world, new world is created, it in continuous cycle of creation and destruction. ]