Long Family Patriach plans (2)

Long Meihui didn't know why, but Xia Rouyan seemed to have a fondness for her, although it was the allure of her soft, comforting, and natural "bed" (breasts) that truly attracted Xia Rouyan, not Long Meihui herself.

Long Meihui quickly realized the truth, and her face contorted with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Like father, like daughter. Both are corrupted," she muttered, sighing deeply.

She couldn't help but wonder why people even bothered to have children at all.

Little did she know, Xia Tian was simply having daughters for his fun.

If she knew the real intentions behind Xia Tian's actions, her reaction would be priceless.

Xia Tian didn't groom young children!

He had his own daughters and then manipulated them.

He was always one step ahead of everyone.

"Now, it's your turn, lady. Show me some impressive moves," Xia Tian said, his focus now fixed on his prey, Zhao Xin.