The First Special Exam - Part 3

The school had a messaging application where you could message any other student.




[How many points do you have? I want to make a deal with you]

[I have 2605 points]

[I'll loan you 2000 points for the exam if you pick package one]

[But if you do that you'll be low on points won't you? You only have 4195 points]

[You don't have to worry about that]

[I find it hard to believe that you would lend me that many points]

[I'll transfer them to you right now.]

[Okay then, but are you sure you want to?]



I opened up my bank account to finish the transfer.


Your Account

Current Points: 2,195

Owed: 2,000

Owing: 0


Furukawa spoke up once again.