Someone's in the Shadows - Part 2

I talked with Harumi.

"I tried my best to get to know Kamimura, but I can't really get that close with her group. In terms of upperclassmen she might be acquainted with, I saw her talking with Murakami from 2-D, but aside from that, I don't have anything."

"That's fine. I'm going to be going on a date with her tomorrow, so keep a lookout around my surroundings. Tell me if you notice anyone else watching."

"W-what... um, alright, I'll do that."

"Good. You can leave now."

• ───────────────── •

Sitting down at a bench by the courtyard was a young girl. She was wearing a light blue checkered skirt with a white shirt tucked in. She had the same hair clip as she had the day she asked me out, but noticeably, it seemed that her hairstyle was different. With the warm breeze beside her, she looked off into the distance.

"How are ya goin', Mizuhara?"

"I'm well."

"Ah, ya can say a bit more than that. I woke up really early this mornin' preparing for this~"