New Ideals, New Thoughts - Part 5

The night before, memories of the karaoke session with Fujiharu, Kimura, and Kinoshita flooded my mind as I slowly stirred from my slumber. However, I couldn't shake the feeling of detachment, as if I were an observer instead of an active participant in the event. As I got out of bed and went through my morning routine, thoughts of the previous night lingered in the back of my mind, but I pushed them aside and focused on the tasks at hand.

I made my breakfast, ate it in silence, and left the dormitory for school. The empty halls and classrooms were a familiar sight as I made my way to class, the only sound being the echo of my own footsteps.

I took my seat, feeling a sense of calm wash over me as I sat in the quiet classroom. I knew that soon, the room would be filled with chatter and energy, but for now, it was just me, alone with my thoughts.
