Hidden Identity - Part 2

I strolled through the bookshelves with Fujiharu tagging along. My eyes scanned the spines of books, checking out each title and cover. A good title and cover is key for grabbing my attention. I had a particular penchant for titles that were evocative and had an air of intrigue, for those that promised something more than just a mundane story.

Although I had considered picking up a novel, the selection was lacking. I think they restricted the distribution of the books, with only mildly interesting works available, all of which were rated E10+.

In the midst of my browsing, Fujiharu's incessant chatter interrupted my concentration.

"I remember how we used to read together back then~"

Despite my straightforward responses and occasional grunts, she persisted in her questioning. I grabbed a book and looked around for a seat, although it was more of a cursory glance than an actual search, since the library was rarely crowded.