The Little Bell - Part 1 [Hasegawa Mio]

Franz Liszt's Third Grandes études de Paganini, S. 141—in the key of G-sharp Minor.

It was one of my favourite pieces to play, not because of the sound, but because of the way the piano felt on my fingers. With my outstretched fingers, I could gently embrace the keys as I played the melody.

The door slid open behind me.

I stopped playing.

"Ara, you can't even let me play the piano in peace, Sayaka~?"

She made her way over to me.

I smiled a little.

I could see the resemblance to Ayato. They were definitely similar, but the effects of the Ideal Human Project meant that his personality was completely different.

"You seem quite confident in yourself."

"I suppose so, Sa-ya-ka~."

She took out her phone.

I could already see where this was going. After all, she was part of the student council.

I looked up at her.

"Are you sure you don't want to be friends with me?"