Chapter 7: The Marauder Enters The Fray

"Well, here we go again…"

Angel was walking with Dorothy in the entrance hall. Dastun handed his overcoat to Norman.

"Beck's here already. Roger's keeping him entertained," said Dorothy, rolling her eyes.

"Oh. How's that going?"

"They're exchanging insults right now. Apparently, this was Beck's bank before the second reset, so…" Dorothy shrugged.

"Beck had a bank? No wonder he loves money. Well, I guess we should go and see what they're up to."

Dorothy and Angel got onto the lift, waiting for Norman and Dastun, who joined them a moment later and took the lift to the guest dining hall. As they got closer to the floor, they could hear shouting.

"Oh dear," said Norman.

"Oh dear, nuthin! If those two don't shut up by the time I get there… I already have headache from today, and I don't need the aggravation," said Dastun, angrily.

Dorothy and Angel smiled nervously at each other as the lift came to stop and the gate opened. Dastun marched off first going into the room.


"Not unless this gaudy buffoon puts a sock in it! FOR THE LAST TIME, you don't own my house, Beck! I found it abandoned, fair and square!"

"Listen here, Crow Boy. The only reason why you have this place is because I built it and spent my fortune…"

"I don't give a damn, Beck! It's mine now!"


All three men began arguing amongst each other while Norman and the ladies stood outside, growing agitated.

"Maybe this was a bad idea," said Dorothy, massaging her forehead, annoyed, "Why is Dastun aggravated again?"

"Inspections, disciplining senior staff for not following proper security protocol, and a contract proposal that needs approved, so it can be sent to me to sign," said Angel, shaking her head, "Then there's the stabbing with Roger, suspect is still not talking… If it's not one thing, it's another."

Dorothy shook her head and walked calmly and quietly into the room, while Angel and Norman followed. She took her spot by Roger's right side, but remained standing until the men realized Dorothy was watching them and quieted down. Norman directed Angel to a seat, who took her seat next to Dorothy. Norman took the seat to Roger's left. The room remained silent.

"If we're done exchanging the pleasantries, perhaps we should get started?" said Dorothy curtly. Beck took a seat at the opposite end of the table from Roger, both still glaring at each other. Dastun sat down on Angel's other side, but Angel looked annoyed at him. Dorothy shot Roger a look that made him recoil and sit down carefully at his spot at the table.

"Now, as we all know, we're here to discuss what we know about Angel's case and give a summary of our discoveries at this point. This meeting's purpose is to make sure everyone is on the same page, and discuss our next step to counter the enemy and put a stop to them. Seeing as Roger and I are managing the case, I'll provide the case summary. Any objections?"

Everyone shook their head. Dorothy brought a file on the table closer to her and began reading off the summary.

"Back in September, we had a meeting with Angel, discussing her role as the dominus of Big Venus and her power's abilities. We discovered that she had sensed a presence while the timeline reset itself and this presence was malicious in nature, especially when it came to me regarding the Final Stage cannon with Big O. Before the reset finished, Angel stated she made sure those who were close to Roger or knew of his pilot status retained their memories and that I was turned to human."

"About that…" began Beck, but a cold look from Dorothy silenced him on the spot.

"As I was saying, from there, Angel asked us to negotiate with the people that possibly may know of her power or have some of her power and ask them to get rid of it. Roger agreed to the case and issued comm links to those present so that we could keep each other updated as we found information. Fast-forwarding to the end of September, Angel is signing the annual budget for Paradigm into law, and found that obscured funding was being disguised as public works for all the domes for the Paradigm Science Foundation, despite receiving a separate budget. She did the math and found they probably had a nice nest egg or needed the money for a large project. Angel discovered that each of the domes has a location for the Paradigm Science Foundation, and sends the list over to us, and begins scouting the locations with Chief Dastun. By the time they get to their fourth location, the building in question explodes, with the official reason being given as a gas line rupture. However, we believe the explosion was to cover someone's tracks and destroy evidence, but we haven't discovered supporting information to back this theory."

"Around this time and going into October, Roger and I begin experiencing an influx of property seizure cases, close to the addresses of these buildings. Some properties will be seized, and others will not. Many of these cases we take on have many clerical errors from the Paradigm Assessor's Office, and will be easily countered with the right paperwork filed. Around the same time, Thomas Cavanaugh, the Union Central Rep dome begins protesting Angel on various projects she wants completed outside the dome in his jurisdiction. The Expansion Project nearly experiences a delay due to a worker's strike regarding the bridge expansion. And the MP weapons cache is broken into and weapons are stolen. Please make note of these as they will become relevant shortly."

"In November, The Paradigm Liberation Front takes hostage the resort dome's top restaurant using weapons stolen from the MP cache. Despite raiding their hideout beforehand, the leader, former Lt. Davidson, was able to move some weaponry off site, and with a dozen men, take hostage the restaurant. While negotiations are being reached, Angel is informed of the situation, and is able to talk down the hostage takers in exchange for reviewing the budget once more, by convincing many of the council to rethink their budget proposals. After the hostage crisis is over, Angel and Dastun go over to one of the Western Domes and found a location inside the dome that has a large tunnel leading underground, large enough to allow large trucks carrying large loads to go under. Because of this revelation, Roger and I begin exploring the subway tunnels, looking for old or new entrances to the underground. However, many entrances we know about or discover are not fit for exploring, thus we put the exploration on hold until we receive a map from one of our confidants after the first of the year."

"After the first of the year, former Lt. Davidson and Thomas Cavanaugh are murdered, by someone nicknamed 'The Devil' (Beck's eyes got wide at these words, but remained silent). It's possible 'The Devil' visited Cavanaugh beforehand as a warning before finally killing him and his family, as his butler was killed to send a message. A moratorium is issued against the assessor's office to stop seizing properties, but one last one comes through. It's during this negotiation that we find out the rep that was sent to conclude negotiations has a different employer. I discovered that I'm still being targeted as the employer wants to know why I decided to become human after my incarnation I was modeled after caused the failure of the first rebirth, or reset in our case. While this is happening, Roger is surveying the area and finds a construction lot near West Dome #7 that's disguised to appear as such, and is taking trucks of gravel inside the dome somewhere, the location unknown as I was threatened to be killed by the rep and so was Roger. And we all know the story from here…"

Dorothy shut the file. Roger nodded at her in approval. Dorothy raised an eyebrow, still peeved at Roger's behavior from earlier. Roger cleared his throat and tugged at his tie nervously. Dorothy turned to look at Beck.

"So, Beck, this is where you come in. We are now at a stage where we can begin exploring the tunnels, now that all the water has drained from the melting snow. However, it seems you have some information that could possibly help us."

"I do. First off, what did this 'Devil' look like? Is there a description or a picture?" he asked seriously.

Roger shook his head. "No. After Cavanaugh and his family were murdered, we, or I should say Dastun, put the council members on surveillance, specifically the four that are opposing Angel and her projects outside the domes. We're hoping to get a glimpse of them."

"I can provide a description. If I know who you're talking about, she visited the site the day of… well… the day Big Fau was restored. She wears all black, the uniform is like the Military Police, but different. It's not a style I've seen before. It's outlined with purple and gold threads. Her hair is long and blonde, braided in a ponytail, she wears jack boots, and has a hat that has golden angel wings on it."

"How do you know it's her?" asked Dastun. Beck sighed.

"She put clown boy, Alan Gabriel, I think was his name, on his ass that day. She wanted to see Rosewater and clown boy wouldn't let her pass. And well… clown boy was a cyborg. But she put him on his ass. I saw it. He then said something like, 'you're just like me then,' or something to that effect. I never seen him so angry. So, it's possible she's a cyborg too or has enough mechanical implants to beat a cyborg. I mean he was strong, and she fought him without any issues. Anyway, she came into the hangar, I was messing with the control unit of Big Fau. She told Rosewater to strongly reconsider his decision to break away with the Paradigm New World Order or suffer the consequences. Rosewater scoffed at her, saying he had all the power he needed in Big Fau and would defeat your megadeus (he pointed at Roger), to prove he was the strongest, and that he was the dominus of all the megadeuses. She laughed at him at that point. Said there was a greater power than he would ever know, and then she just walked out. Everyone was so shocked she put clown boy on his ass, no one dared to stop her."

Roger folded his hands together, placing them over his mouth, digesting what Beck had said. He looked over to Dorothy, who was jotting notes quickly, gripping the pen Roger had given her for Heaven's Day very tightly. She stopped writing and looked at Roger. Their hunch had been confirmed that Alex had help from this faction. Angel asked the question they were both thinking.

"What is this… 'Paradigm New World Order?'" asked Angel, "When I worked for Alex, I never heard of them. Though, it's very possible the times he told me to go away, those were probably the times he was talking to them."

Beck shrugged. "I don't know who they are. They seemed pretty bad ass to me though. They sent a lone cyborg into Alex's hangar, knowing full well they could've been shot or killed by the clown, but she did it anyway. I'm going to take a guess and say the 'Paradigm Science Foundation,' might just be a disguise for them. But there's a chance, they probably know about your power. Because that day… well Alex never came back, so…"

"They might've unleashed the memories that would've cause the start of the reset, awakening Angel's power, to stop Alex," Roger murmured to himself, his hand over his mouth, thinking.

"There's something else you should know, and it deals with the expansion project. I caught a glimpse of what they were doing to the power station. They're installing some high-yielding lines. I know the domes suck electricity, but they were adjusting what lines they had to accommodate for the change. I don't think they're gonna trade for the electricity, like they said they were with Electric City. Also, one of my construction robots fell in a man-made trench by the bridge recently. Took forever to get it out because of the damn silt on the sea floor, but the trench is huge. I saw it myself and well…"

Beck reached down and brought up his yellow suitcase, opening it. He pulled out a photo, displaying the trench underwater.

"This is the only good photo I got. There was sabotage on the submersible by… my men called them 'frog people,' whatever that means."

Roger and Angel saw the photo, looked at each other at once, recognizing the description.

"Servants of the sea titan," Roger muttered, "They must've been working with the Science Foundation/New World Order during the last reset, and working for them again this time around."

Angel grimaced, her hands shaking. Dastun took one in his hand and squeezed it.

"You should tell them. It might help."

"Tell us what?" asked Roger.

Angel drew in a deep breath.

"I've made contact with Big Venus… twice. Dorothy's advice… helped."

Angel stared at the table while everyone looked at her in shock. The silence ticked on for what seemed like forever. Angel closed her eyes, trying to find the words to continue, but Dorothy spoke first.

"Why have you been holding this back from us?" asked Dorothy, surprised, "That's something Roger and I really needed to know."

"The first time was on the night during the hostage crisis, the second was after Roger got hurt and you told me what they had said to you, Dorothy. Honestly, between everything going on and trying to keep track of things, I feel like my mind is going into two separate directions and it's hard to keep track of everything. For what it's worth, I'm sorry I haven't been open with either of you. And the times we hang out, I'd rather just talk about… normal things and not work or this case."

Dorothy looked at Roger. Roger folded his hands, covering his mouth. He gave a small nod in Dorothy's direction. Dorothy grabbed Angel's hand and squeezed it gently.

"It's okay, I'm not mad. I just… anything that can be of use to us… we could use."

Angel nodded. "Honestly, I'm still trying to understand it. It speaks in riddles…"

"Time out," Beck said, "It SPEAKS to you? How does a megadeus SPEAK to you?"

"I don't know. Possibly because it keeps telling me that it's me and I am it. Dan suggested that it's possible I hold some of Big Venus' power within me and Big Venus' holds some of my power, as fail safe. You can't get rid of one without getting rid of the other, or something like that."

Roger sighed and looked at Beck, who looked at him, confused. Roger then turned to Norman.

"I have to ask, but in all the times you have worked on Big O, has he ever spoken to you?"

Norman shook his head. "Never spoken, but I have had quirks in the system, sir. It's more of a suggestion to check something out, and it turns out something needed some extra maintenance."

Roger remembered the times Big O had acted on its own. Big O coming to his rescue in the subway tunnels after R.D. nearly shot him dead, and Big O had called him into action to save Dorothy from Alan Gabriel. During that particular incident, he hadn't talked then, but Roger experienced a debilitating flashback to his time at the lab, which caused him to drop his guard on the megadeus he was fighting. Big O had suddenly reacted, blocking the incoming attack and refused to move, making Roger snap out of it, and come to his senses to go rescue Dorothy.

"So then… the Big Guy is sentient, like Fau was…" Beck said.

"Come again?" said Roger.

"The Bigs, they're sentient, right? Even Alex knew clown boy wasn't the dominus of Big Duo, and he knew the system would take over, possibly even knowing it would kill clown boy. So, the Bigs are sentient. The Bigs have a purpose, or maybe they don't and are trying to find one. But their goal is to find a dominus that aligns with their purpose or one they can support."

Angel looked at him. "So, what would be my purpose with Big Venus, besides being a sick joke?"

Beck shrugged, putting his hand, stroking his goatee. "I'm not sure. Let's try going through the Bigs we know, and defining their purpose first. I know Big Duo's purpose was to seek truth, which is why that Schwarzwald guy will probably only be the dominus for that Big. Even the nut said that himself. The nut said Big Fau's purpose was world domination, but it wasn't. When I was… installing the memory in Big Fau, I got a sense I was doing the wrong thing… and I knew I was!" he added quickly, as Roger gave him a cold stare, "But it was like… Fau didn't want it. Kept giving me a hard time. It just wanted to be left alone and be at peace… So… let's say hypothetically, Fau is peace, like making peace with the devil, world peace, or something like that. Then there's your megadeus, Crow Boy. What do you think its purpose is?"

"Being a pain in my ass," retorted Dastun. This prompted a chuckle from everyone, and Roger couldn't help himself and grinned at Dastun, who gave him a sarcastic smile in return, before Roger turned to this thoughts.

Roger thought long and hard about Beck's question. Big O and him had always tried to do the right thing, at least their perception of right, whether inside or outside the domes. Was it just that though? Rosewater nearly destroyed the areas outside the domes on his quest to build his perfect world. So perhaps justice? No, not exactly, if the Bonnie Frazier case was to be considered. Then there was the fact he went on the war path with Rosewater, trying to get Dorothy memories back. Depending on who was asked, it could've been perceived as justice or as a personal vendetta. However, the man had crossed a line when it came to Dorothy, and Roger wanted to see that Rosewater paid for the arrogance he had shown by hiring Beck to storm Roger's household to take her away from him. This last thought made Roger turn pink and cough. Beck raised an eyebrow as Roger regained his composure.

"Big O and I do what's right, what we feel is right. I wouldn't necessarily call it justice, but we stand for something more. We're partners, that I much I do know, and we guide each other. I think at times, whatever we don't understand, we try to help each other in our own way, and make up for the other's shortcoming," he said.

"You would give Big Venus a run for her money. Let's be frank, I get enough riddles from her. Can you at least simplify your answer?" asked Angel.

Roger shrugged. "Honestly, I wanted to say justice, but I feel like it's something more than that."

"Perhaps 'conscientious,' would be the word to use here instead, sir?" asked Norman. Roger gave a small chuckle.

"Good thinking, Norman. I agree. I think that fits us to a tee." This prompted a smile from Dorothy.

"So, Fau is Peace. Duo is Truth, and yours is Conscientious…" Beck thought out loud, "So if I were to guess the purpose of Big Venus… I guess it would be the mother, meant to keep the Bigs in line."

Roger raised an eyebrow. "I'm not following."

"Well, and this is just from the memories rattling inside my head. Look at Fau and Duo for example. Fau lost its way being controlled by Rosewater and Venus made it disappear, right? Like a mother sending their kid to time out. Then look at Duo. Duo seemed to have lost its way, looking for his dominus and maybe looking for a way home. I was keeping an eye on Duo that day, and that's the feeling I got at least. Perhaps it was trying to find Venus? The moment I lost its signal up in the sky, I knew something was wrong, and got the hell out of nut job's way. That's why I hung around at your place."

"But that doesn't make any sense," said Dastun, "The white megadeus I get, but not the red megadeus. Why it would be looking for its parent?"

Roger felt a flashback creep back from the day of the reset.

"During the first reset, Venus was huge, Dastun. I saw it in the memories that caused the reset to begin. In some ways, I can see Beck's point. Perhaps Duo was flying high, hoping to catch a glimpse of its mother before… well before Beck lost its signal." Roger shook his head, to shake off the memory until he felt a slightly pressure on his hand. Dorothy had grabbed his hand gently and squeezed. He returned the pressure.

Beck stroked his goatee once more, processing this information. "So that leaves Crow Boy and his megadeus. Big Venus looks like an inverted copy of Big O."

Roger nodded. "That detail didn't get past me."

"So, here me out. Out of three 'children,' isn't there always one that looks exactly like the parent, minus one or few details?"

Now Roger began to understand what Beck meant by Big Venus being the mother or parent of the three megadeuses. Angel also was beginning to understand as well, but Dastun made a sudden realization.

"So, if it's the mother… that would explain its abilities and why they're in you," said Dastun slowly, "Here me out, even though they're sentient and can think for themselves, it has to be limited. It wouldn't be able to understand the full range of human emotions because they're not human. But that's where you come in, Madam President. You can help it understand humanity and the role of being a parent because you're its key to its activation, right? Technically, as the President of the Paradigm Corp, you're responsible for all citizens of Paradigm City and their welfare. See, I told you! You are human, Madam President!"

"But then why would our enemy put this power in Angel, knowing full well of her fallacies as a human, if she's not a memory? Surely there's a possibility Big Venus can see what Angel is doing if they're sharing their power with one another. There's also the possibility the enemy can try to contact or summon Big Venus, and try to sway Venus into their favor. No offense Angel, just trying to think logically," said Dorothy.

"None taken," Angel replied.

"Wouldn't it go back to finding a pilot that aligned with the Big's purpose? Take Big O for instance and Master Roger. Big O and Master Roger have always done what's right, despite the consequences of their actions. In many ways, Big O could be perhaps viewed of the black sheep of the three Bigs because of its 'rebellious nature' and not wanting to abide by his mother's wishes. I think those wishes are keeping the other Bigs in line, considering how past events have unfolded with their interactions with Big O. Perhaps, in this case with the Madam President, Big Venus is simply trying to understand why humanity wants to live free when it thinks the stage its created is a perfect and safe world for them to live, because, at least I think everyone sitting at this table is in agreement, want to live a world that's free predestined future and create one of their own," said Norman.

Roger leaned back, digesting all of the information. He could see bits and parts of it where it made sense and then he could see the holes in the argument. However, they were going into uncharted territory with the Bigs, so nothing was off the table. But Roger was present when Gordon told Angel she was a memory. Then again, Gordon had been through a lot that day. Perhaps his statement of Angel being a memory was probably not meant her, but maybe Big Venus. Maybe, he saw them as one in the same. After all, they shared the same power, and if Dastun's theory was correct, it would make sense that each part of her being would hold a piece of their power. Angel, the director. Big Venus, time itself.

"So then… I'm so stupid," said Angel softly, "I've been wanting to understand Big Venus, but all I keep doing is asking her questions in which I want the answers to. I need to ask her the questions she wants answers to. Unfortunately, my time meeting with her is limited. The presence I've told you about… it seems to not want us to talk…"

Roger snapped his head up, furious. "Wait, what? How many times again have you initiated contact with Big Venus? And that presence has been there each time?""

"Twice, but…"

"Angel, if that's been happening, that's a risk, and you know it! Dastun, why haven't you said anything against this? This could be real danger to her and to us…"

"ROGER! Calm down."

Dorothy grabbed his hand once more and looked at Angel, who was trying to maintain her composure. Dastun glared in Roger's direction.

"Apologize. She wasn't done talking," he growled.

"Dastun, are you serious right now? We don't know what could happen or if the enemy could use her power against her…"

"Apologize or I'll knock your teeth down your throat!"

Roger stood suddenly at these words, grimacing in pain as the sudden movement tugged at his wound. Dastun followed suit. Dorothy never had seen Roger and Dastun argue or come near to blows as they normally got along well with one another. She had a feeling if the roles had been reversed, Roger would've probably done the same thing. But Roger was in no shape to fight. She stood as well, trying to place herself between the two of them.

"Say that in my house one more time, Chief!"

"Then apologize to her and I'll consider the matter over and done with!"

Norman stood, trying to restrain Roger. Beck looked mildly amused at the spectacle unfolding before him. Angel finally got a grip on herself and grabbed Dastun's hand as he advanced over to Roger. Dorothy threw her arms up as a barrier between them.

"EVERYONE! THAT'S ENOUGH! SIT DOWN!" she yelled, glancing from Roger to Dastun.

Roger stopped struggling and Norman let go of Roger. Roger sighed and shook his head, massaging his temple with fingers, grimacing. Norman helped him find his seat. Dastun on the other hand, at Angel's encouragement, found his seat once more.

"I'm sorry," said Roger, after a moment's silence, "I've been jumpy since… well…" He gestured to his upper torso.

"You're not the only one, but it's no excuse to be acting like that towards her, Roger," began Dastun, but this chiding struck a nerve with Roger.

"I'm not one of your subordinates, Chief! Don't chide me in my own home!"

Before Dastun could fire back with his retort, Dorothy stepped in once more.

"KNOCK IT OFF! BOTH OF YOU! We're on the same side! Honestly, I was expecting this behavior from Beck over here, and not the two of you! He's being more professional than either of you! Shame on the both of you!"

"Thank you, Toots!"

"It wasn't a compliment!"

Beck scoffed at Dorothy's retort towards him. Roger and Dastun lowered their heads in shame. Angel still held Dastun's hand, and he now noticed how firmly she was holding it. He returned the pressure, which caused her to ease off. Roger sighed once more.

"I'm sorry. Would you please continue, Angel?" he said softly. Dorothy nodded in agreement.

"Um, sure. So, this presence, I feel like it doesn't want us to talk. The first time, the meeting was cut short, but the second time… I guess maybe my anger had something to do with it, with everything that happened. I was able to hold it back for a little bit of time, before it tried to overpower me. Big Venus both times uses this bright light to push it back and then it tells me 'The door is unlocked. The key decides to open whenever needed.' Then I wake up. I guess it's like a dream? Every time I connect with it though, I feel like I'm drained. The second time, I could barely stand. Roger, I know what you're going to say, that it's dangerous, but everyone here is risking something, whether it's to protect someone or something they love, fighting for their own reasons. I have to do this. Dan agreed that I should try to master my power so that way not even the enemy could try to use me. Out of all us, I bear the most responsibility. I have to protect the people… and my friends. If I don't…"

Compared to the last time they met in the same room, Roger sensed that Angel was trying to save her own life. But something had happened in the months since the first meeting. The Angel he knew, was evolving. Perhaps, like Dorothy, she had found something, maybe her purpose in her role as President, and maybe a reason why to keep living like a human being. Roger could not find any argument to counter with her moral reasoning.

"I think Roger's just concerned about your safety, and that's a legitimate concern. Perhaps, as a compromise, you could start contacting Big Venus if Dan or your detail is present with you. In case if something were to happen, someone would be there to help. Your ability, like my ability to connect with the megadeuses when I was an android, is highly sought after by the enemy," said Dorothy, giving Angel a small smile.

Roger nodded in agreement. Dastun sighed.

"I told you they were going to suggest that, didn't I? Even I did. You're not alone in this… we can help," said Dastun.

Angel nodded. "Alright, that's fine. That's fair."

Beck cleared his throat.

"If everyone is done now, like I was saying and after the examples you've provided, I think Big Venus is the mother of the Bigs. Mothers usually protect those they care about. If this presence you talk about tries to harm you, Big Venus counters it with a bright light. That's the role of a mother, to protect and nurture, is it not? So, I guess that is the role of Big Venus, Mother. Big Fau, Peace, Big Duo, Truth, and Crow Boy's over there, Conci… Geez, I can't say the word."

"Conscientious," said Norman.

"There! That's the one! There's a good chance that this Paradigm New World Order probably knows of this. Either way, since they're sabotaging my expansion project, we need to find them and see what we can find out on them. They're in the underground?"

"Deep underground," said Dastun, "Below the old tunnels."

"Hmmm…." Beck tapped his fingers on the table distractedly, "No offense, Crow Boy… with you out of the picture, this makes it harder to do until you're healed. I'll do some digging. I'm sure there's a few of my old paths I used to use while ducking from you all that are still open."

Roger and Dastun exchanged a glance with one another. "We've tried exploring some of the routes we knew already, but they've either disappeared or are too dilapidated to continue further exploration," said Roger, raising an eyebrow at Beck.

"Crow Boy, let me worry about that. I got a construction firm at my disposal. I'm sure I can whip up something, like I whipped up those submersibles for the bridge. Give me some time. I'll contact you once I find something explorable. Now, if there's nothing else, I do appreciate you bringing me up to speed. If you need to contact me…"

He fiddled around in his suit jacket and found a radio. He slid it Roger, who caught it.

"It's an encrypted radio. The signal's been amplified. I suggest using that and not using the phone. I got a feeling I'm being watched with this expansion project. Now, my head is bursting, and I need a smoke. Later!"

Beck excused himself and went to the lift, with Norman following him in tow to see him out. Dorothy looked at the table, at the notes she had taken during the meeting.

"Is it wise… to trust him with everything we told him?"

Roger shook his head. "That would've been a question to ask before meeting with him, Dorothy. But… he has a point. Until I heal up, I can't do anything, and we need an able man to do some digging while I recover. They've already targeted us, so exploring by ourselves is not an option anymore either. And I know with you two, your jobs keep you plenty busy," Roger nodded his head in the direction of Angel and Dastun.

"We'll do what we can if nothing else happens. I'm sorry about earlier. This guy… he's keeping a tight lip. I have guards posted on his door. Makes me wonder how strong this enemy is, if the guy's not talking, and if they'll try to kill him. I've been stressed out to the maxed."

"You wanna drink?" Roger pointed to the liquor cabinet.

"Roger, you can't drink. Dr. Plebanski said…"

"I know Dorothy, I know. Just offering one for Dastun."

"No, I'm good, Roger. Like I said, I'm sorry about earlier, oh, and dropping the Lt. Smith bomb. Maybe next time I'll take you up on the drink. We got to get going. There's a gala tonight for some charity she supports. Even though it's late, she needs to make an appearance, but this was more important."

Angel hugged Dorothy briefly. "We'll talk soon. Sorry about…" and she nodded her head towards Dastun.

"Mine is just as responsible as yours. We can't take them anywhere."

"Dorothy, I'm sitting right here."

"See what I mean?"

Angel chortled at Dorothy's comment, while Roger sighed.

Norman returned into the room as Dastun and Angel got ready to leave. Norman turned around to follow them out, but Dastun held up his hand.

"We can see ourselves out. Thank you though. Roger, Dorothy, Norman… have a good night." Angel nodded in their direction, then left with Dastun, taking the lift downstairs.

"Well, quite a development, sir. But, progress is progress. Hopefully, Mr. Beck will be able to find something, if not, then hopefully the Chief and the Madam President," said Norman, going over to Roger's chair and helping him up.

"I need to take a look at your wound. I know standing up suddenly had to hurt," said Dorothy.

Roger shook his head. "I hate feeling so useless… Dorothy, no, it's not a slant against you. I had a hunch the guy had a second knife, and I should've been more careful. Please…"

Dorothy had hung her head at Roger's words. He turned slowly to her, pulling her chin to see her eyes.

"Listen, don't you ever feel guilty. I made the choice that day, you understand? Like I told you, I would gladly do it all over again. I'm just frustrated at myself. I want to do more, but I can't. Not until I heal."

Norman assisted Roger to the lift, with Dorothy following behind them, gathering her things. Once on the lift, she shut the gate and the lift ascended to the top floor. The gate opened.

"Where to, sir?"

"The bedroom, Norman. I need to stretch out and digest this information some more."

They walked their way over to the living room and into Roger's bedroom. Norman gently eased Roger onto the bed. Roger slipped off his shoes and slipped off his suspenders. He had decided not to go full business attire that night. Putting on one shirt had hurt too much earlier and he didn't want to mess with the jacket. Roger leaned back on the bed, his stomach growling, as he undid his tie and unbuttoned his collar.

"This liquid diet is killing me," he sighed, "A sandwich should be soft enough."

Dorothy sighed. "Roger, it's late. The last of the kids are probably leaving, but I'll call Dr. Plebanski and ask. She's concerned about the stitches inside of you."

"No, don't worry about it. Norman, is there any soup left?"

"I'll heat some up sir. I'll be back in a moment."

Norman exited the bedroom, shutting the door only partially. Dorothy removed Roger's tie and began unbuttoning his shirt, wanting to take a look at his wound.

"Normally, I would be excited any other time."

"Mmm hmm. Hold still and don't fidget."

Dorothy moved his shirt aside and carefully pulled apart the bandage. The stitches looked like they were holding up and hadn't opened up. She put the bandage back.

"You're fine. I wouldn't push it though. We're going to see Dr. Plebanski tomorrow to check on your progress with the ultrasound. Hopefully, the ones inside of you are healing. She was more concerned with the aorta after all."

"I hope so too. I hate moving like this. Maybe she can take the staples out."

"Doubtful. That's probably next week."

Dorothy looked at her things.

"Do you mind if I go down to the office and secure my notes?"

"Do what you need to do. Just leave them near the pile I need to type for you."

"Okay," and she kissed him on the forehead, "I'll be back soon."

She stood up and left the bedroom, going back to the lift. However, instead of heading downstairs to the office, she hit the button to go down to the hangar level. Something told her to go downstairs and talk to Big O. The conversation from the meeting had taken an interesting turn, and even though she was not an android anymore, she felt her connection to Big O was still strong enough to talk to him, particularly about a recurring nightmare she had been having lately since the day Roger got hurt.

The lift sounded and she walked out onto the platform. She turned on the lights in the hanger, to get a better view of Big O. His face remained stoic as ever. She felt guilty, like maybe she should've asked Roger or Norman before doing this. After all, they had the most time with him. But, the nightmare, the one of her running in the street, fire all around her, and the Bigs overhead… it somehow pertained to him, she just didn't know the reason yet. She stood in front of him, looking at him.

"I'm sorry I haven't been by as much. I've been busy with Roger and cases, and the kids… and well…. I guess the meeting tonight, brought something up or at least an idea, hopefully one that I'm not going to regret."

Dorothy inhaled, held her breath, then exhaled slowly.

"I know you know something about the first reset or rebirth, whatever it's called. I have a feeling you were there that day. But, I've been having this nightmare…"

She looked up at Big O, who remained silent.

"This nightmare, I've been having. I know it's from the first reset. I'm running in a crowd, with my father and baby in hand. But, I stop, and my father is trying to come back for me. And there's this large, looming shadow. Then, there's some kind of explosion as I get thrown up in the air along with the baby. I don't know why this memory won't leave me alone. I've had others, memories of a Roger and I. I was wearing a lab coat, Roger is in a uniform, and my father is with us a lot. Those don't haunt me. They're more like dreams where I can't hear what they're saying. But this one, I recall vividly, but I think, somewhere deep inside of me, I don't want to remember this particular memory, because then it jumps to me waking up in Soldano's factory. It's like I'm scared, and yet, I think there's more…"

She paused, trying to think of her words.

"If I tell Roger, I think he would help, but with everything, I would probably worry him, and I don't want that for him. I think it would be same for Norman. I've never been fixated on memories before, but this one… it won't go away. So… if there's anything you know, that could help me with this memory, please, point me in the right direction. I don't know why I'm so worried about this memory. It comes, in bits and parts, and I don't know what to do, Big O. Deep down, I feel like this memory is a big clue to this case, and I don't see how. Well, that's the first part of what I'm asking anyway."

She turned around to keep an eye on the lift, but it had not been called back yet.

"The second thing I wanted to ask you and it might seem redundant to you, but please, keep Roger safe. I know at some point, you'll enter the fight with him. So please, protect him, protect yourself, bring him home to me, come home safe and sound. I don't know why I needed to tell you that, but something told me I needed to talk to you. I care about him… I'm not sure what I would do if I lost him. And, I know you do too. And, I care about you too. Thank you for listening to me, Big O. Good night."

As she turned to walk away, Big O's head tilted downward toward her and his eyes flashed once, making her stop. She could feel Big O was staring at her. She held the gaze for a moment, then smiled. For some reason, she felt relief, like he understood her requests. She headed back to the lift, going to the office to put her notes up.