Determination is the key to success

The night covered the Earth as if it was a blanket, it was peaceful for many. Many except one couple.

The phantom cries of a horrible heartache echoed through a hallway of memories. Memories trapped in frames and locked behind glass. Hung against the victorian-styled wallpapers.

In a classy living room reveals a handsome man standing tall, towering over a fair woman.

The man has short, chestnut-brown —-styled hair with stone-blue eyes. He has a strong build that isn't too muscular nor too skinny, he was slim in all the right places and tall but not too tall either with a sharp jawline. The man wore a black and white suit, though the tie was missing and two of the white shirt's upper buttons were undone.

The woman has deep bold red hair styled like in a wavy shoulder-length bob cut. Her doe-like eyes had dark garnet-coloured eyeliner framing shining mint green irises. She had a button nose with freckles on her cheeks trailing to the bridge of her nose. Her plump luscious tempting lips were tinted by glossy reddish-pink lipstick. She wore a teal green sundress that had slightly transparent elbow bishop sleeves,a tie-neck neckline with a thin, golden ribbon and a Godet styled skirt.

The woman sat on a velvet black armchair with compliments of gold buttons and stared down with emotional tears streaming down her rosy freckled cheeks, still in shock of what she had just heard. She knew it would come, but she never expected it to come so soon.

She trailed her eyes towards the papers stating divorce and a pen on the coffee table on which sat a silver ring that had tiny little green emerald  and blue sapphires shining innocently at her. The design screamed out elegance and class. The gems were shaped into minute flowers and were framed by gold leaves.

After a minute of silence the lady, with a newly resolved confidence, took the pen in the table and proceeded to sign the divorce papers. She then got up and took her necessary belongings and approached the door.

Are you not going to get the rest of your belongings, Ophelia?" The male spoke up.

The lady replied with a "...No. I won't be needing them anymore seeing as your ego has increased exponentially..." Though not entirely true, it is a fact that your ego has reached the gods above... The lady thought with a bitter smile. Seeing as there is no more need to converse with the man, Ophelia walked out of the room and into the hallways.

As Ophelia strolled towards the end of the hallway, she could feel the judgemental stares of the encaged memories on the walls. Even then, that will not stop her. She has spent years trying to change herself for her now ex-husband but fortunately thanks to the divorce papers, she had a, though harsh but still good, awakening. It was only then that she realised that one of the most important things to having a successful life is that you have a responsibility to take care of yourself, because who else but you know what exactly you think, know exactly who you are and what your opinions really are? No one. No one but yourself.

Ophelia reached the end of the hallway and stopped right Infront of the door. She hesitates on turning it's metal handle. Questions raced around her mind like a car. Is this really a good choice? Would she be able to survive reality? The real world? Should she just go back and beg for chance...? No. No, she will not. She has had enough of people controlling her to their satisfaction. She will now become the woman she was always supposed to be. No more pretense from now on...

With that, Ophelia twists the handle and opens the door and walks out with a once-lost confidence. After all, what is confidence when determination is the key of success?