Muggle-raiseds' Dreadful Fate

It was a normal day for Harry, which was a surprise because he knew that the word normal will never be in his lifetime vocabulary. So figuring this, He suddenly became suspicious of the atmosphere. It was too normal... Surely, something had to happen or at the very least already happened...

He walked into the common room and saw his two best friends. Picking up on Harry's unease they too began to have a tense air surrounding them.

"Good morning, had a good nap? You sure slept longer than usual... Snape must've done quite a number on you seeing how you slept like a log last night." Hermione spoke up.

"Well, yeah actually made me do about 6 potions and scrub my area clean after every completed potion. He chose the hard ones that we've never done too..." Harry replied sleepily rubbing his eyes.

"Well, atleast you managed to finished need to remember the dread, mate!" Ron piped up.

It seemed like they weren't the only ones suspicious about today because not even a minute later Neville came up and asked Harry if he did anything stupid during this week; he had gotten a lot more confidence during the years in Hogwarts.

When Harry was a about to reply, Dean interrupted him by calling the remaining students in the house to go to the Great Hall.

"Hey guys, let's get to the Great Hall. Apparently Dumbledore said he got an announcement to make.."

"What? And where'd you hear that?" Questioned Seamus. "I found a note on the fire place and Sir Nick told it was Dumbledore.."

Dean replied with a gesture pointing down and pretending to float which basically means it was Sir Nicholas, the Griffindor's ghost. Usually whenever someone gestures something that meant about said ghost, the apparition was in a bad mood, and that is never a good thing if he also bring you news.

It was still early in the morning, about 7:46 am. Harry could feel the questions radiating out of everyone's mind; 'Why so early?' And 'I wanna go back to sleep...'

Everyone set off to make their way to the appointed area.

When they arrived, the Griffindors noticed almost all the houses were already seated for the upcoming announcement except the Hufflepuffs who were coming in slowly. Harry couldn't blame them as they had a double potions lesson and astronomy yesterday. He also noticed that only some of the staff were here: Snape, Professor McGonagall, Dumbledore and Professor Sprout. Sighing tiredly, Harry began to have breakfast alongside Hermione who scolded Ron who was already stuffing his face in bacon and eggs.

After all of the staff and students have sat down and eaten, Dumbledore stood up and grabbed everyone's attention by clinking his glass goblet with a fork. "Good Morning everyone, I hope you have had a good breakfast, today, I would like to announce a new update towards the school and it's curriculum." With that, everyone's ears sharpened. Update to the curriculum? Why, the last time the curriculum was updated was in the 80s! Taking their silence as elation, he continued "The ministry finally realised the fatal flaw in the wizard world and is working it's way to following the Muggle world-" Hearing that, the purebloods began to protest but we're silenced in shock with the next few words " As it is hard to completely change this, and knowing the protest from the purebloods will get louder, the ministry decided to only change the curriculums in school all around Europe. I would also like to ask the helping hand of all Muggle-raiseds to help others to become comfortable with the new update. Finally, the updated curriculum can be found on the notice boards near the great hall, the library, the dungeons and the towers. That is I will say, if you have any question regarding this, feel free to ask Me, professor McGonagall or Professor Snape about it. Enjoy your breakfast!"

He knew it. Something was off today. Harry expected it wouldn't be too bad but a whole change in the curriculum!? And the fact that it would probably have Muggle lessons added in makes it worse! There's already arithmetic, no need for more math! (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)

While Harry was slowly dying inside, the whole hall including the teachers were discussing the sudden change of events.

Would there be more subjects for the NEWTs and OWLs?

Are there important?

Why now of all time?

Suddenly someone shouted out, "WAIT A MINUTE, THIS MEANS WE PROBABLY HAVE TO DO EVEN MORE MATH-" At that, all Muggle-raised students went silent and as sudden as it was, they got up in orderly fashion and dashed towards any nearby notice boards praying to Mother Magic and Melin that it wouldn't be.

Unfortunately, it was meant to be. At the end of the day, even the blind could see half of the student body's soul escape from Thier vessels