Conquered Dark Rigel Kingdom (10)

In the heart of an enchanting forest, nestled deep within its verdant embrace, the cold-looking handsome man, Kori, and the charming 4th prince found themselves strolling in a hushed symphony of silence. The towering sentinels of nature, adorned in misty veils, gracefully cast elongated shadows that waltzed around their figures, weaving an ethereal tapestry of unease and intrigue.

With an air of commanding purpose, Kori  assumed the lead, his steps resonating with unwavering determination. His piercing eyes, keen as the falcon's gaze, vigilantly surveyed their surroundings, penetrating the secrets concealed within the velvety depths of the shadows. A palpable aura of preternatural vigilance emanated from him as if he possessed an intimate understanding of the hidden perils that lay veiled in the forest's depths.