Rong Ying's Master

Ye Kai helped Rong Ying and Yang Nucian, the mother and daughter, meet again. He also helped Ye Niu wake up and let Rong Ying and his mother meet Ye Niu.

Now, he needed to bring Ye Yan and Ye Lei. Once he did that, all his mother would be together.

He also had to search for his sisters, Ye Ning and Ye Shuang. Once he found those two, then with Ye Xin, Ye Kaori, Ye Ming, and Ye Jianxi. All his sisters would be together.

As for brothers, Ye Kai doesn't care.

However, before finding his family, he needed to find Rong Ying's master so he could get another helper on his team.

Where is her master? Do you know anything?

[Let me transport you there]


Ye Nolisi felt something sucking him away, and he sucked away. For a while, everything got dark, and when he opened his eyes, he saw he was in the sky.

He saw he was standing on a white platform, and in front of him was a floating.