*alarm noise* *click* *yawn~* good morning, I can feel today is a great day, hmm oh yeah jame, he's sleeping on the floor I crawl out of my bed and sit next to this sleepy death-core looking cute boy, I tried to open his eyes but when I opened it, I see it said [sleep mode: on], huh he's just like other core except with the human body, well it's 7:00 in the morning and I need to go to school at 8:30 *sigh*. I went down the stair and prepare breakfast and the daily morning routine, "hmm I should probably clean the cube that jame vomit out last night, eh maybe later", then I goes to the shower.


[sleep mode: off]

[checking system...fallen-of-dead-god./ic/: data online....

GOD-MIND: weapons update completed..

powering: core/body/weapons/matter absorption/ICD_J447

recovering: memo_files.exe.....failed]

[SYSTEM READY welcome back DC-404]

{[x]} {[x]}

I wake up and huh? ah yes the sun is shining down through the window, clare got up early than me, 8:10 AM, "how long have I been off, eh never mind", I go down to find clare, looks like she's preparing to do something.


jame is coming down, about time I need to tell him something.

me: "hey jame? I have to go to school and I can't leave you home alone, any ideas?"

jame: "well if I stay home alone probably something will happen, tho if I go to the thing you called school it might be better"

me: "hmm you can't show up like that in my school and also they don't allow strange people, 'core' to go in, only worker core that has id code could. hmmm..."

jame: "hmmm...." (copying me).

jame: "oh I know I can turn into a smaller shape like a cube, so you can put me in the pocket and no one will know"

me: "really? damn nice, okay do it the bus is almost here"

there was an electric aura running down from his head to his bottom, then his body, arms, legs, every centimeter of him turned into a little small cube shape, goes into his core and then he became a dark cube with the side of an average Rubik cube and a 'core' face on one side.

[body reconstruction complete...cube shape form]

jame: "how do I look?"

me: "cute"

after that, the bus is here and it's time for school I guess..

me: "oh the bus, let's go jame"

I grabbed him while he was floating and put him into my bag, got out to my house, and get on the school bus, school time hope everything will go smoothly. i got on the school bus with my bag full of books, stuff, and a weapon of death, Nathan is on the bus too, so I go and sat next to him.

Nathan: "hey, hope you leave jame at home cuz we can't let him in the school"

me: "oh yeah?" I showed him what is in my bag.

jame: " woah, he can turn into any shape?"

me: "mhm"

jame: "hi"

me: "shhh be quiet jame, we can't let anyone know you here"

jame: "oh right sorry I'll be in here for now" (whispered)

Nathan: "no one will suspect us unless we done big goof" (trying to be funny lel)

me and jame chuckle, the bus is full of students like us heading to school, me and Nathan chatting about how we are going to the test today, I just realized when Nathan talks about it (I'm soo screwed).

//moment later...//

we're here at the school, Nathan is kinda confident about the test, well good for him, I was very worried cuz I haven't learned sh*t, got into the class I was very nervous, Nathan can't help me. the teacher goes into the class he said: "Okay class like you all know we have a test today, all you ready? good", the class was not happy when heard that some nerds including Nathan are not. the tablet on my tablet and everybody else starts loading the questions, what do I will fail the test!! "wait I know", I reached my bag in front of my chair and opened it, I saw jame still there and I took him out.

me: "hey jame I need help with this can you do something"(whispered)

jame: "uuuh what do you want me to do exactly?"

me: "I have a test right now I need your help, can you do something?"

jame: "hmm, I know"

me: "really? how?"

jame: "I just have to kill the principal of this school thing and-"

me: "besides from the murder stuff"

jame: "oh sorry, Ummm oh I can connect with this tablet here and maybe I can access the answers to these questions so you can mark the correct answers, sounds good?".he smiled

me: "yeah sounds good, do it I'll watch for my teacher"


then the cube jame here grows a small wire out, connecting to my tablet, weird codes stuff appear on the screen and return to normal, I can see all the questions being marked by him, the easiest test of my life. *footsteps* oh no the teacher is coming if he sees jame me and he is going to be in trouble, I quickly stopped jame while he was doing the test for me and took him to my table desk.

jame: "ow"

me: "sorry jame"

the teacher is here.

Mr. dome: "clare what are you doing?"

me: "well I'm doing my test if u wonder?"

Mr. dome: "hmm hope soo, cuz this is the final test for this semester. you have 30 minutes left class!"

phew, thought I was done for.

(30 minutes later)

"hahaha yes 100% correct thank you soo much jame," I said, "no problem clare" jame, Nathan he's also got 100% but he doesn't seem to like that I used jame to help me with the test. the teacher is announcing something to us: "class please pay attention, as you guys all know the news from the government if you guys don't know I'll tell you the information that the LTTF (local threats termination forces) had sent to us. ahem for the citizen's safety, we will inform you how things will be going now. all citizens will now have an ID card and the 'core' now must have SC (scanner code) to identify you not the losing government weapon and to monitor citizens and 'core'. please accept and follow to ensure your safety thank you for your cooperation". "wait how do we get an ID card" a random dude in the class, the teacher replied: "I will now distribute the card for everyone". he took out a box and gives it to each one of us, i got one, and Nathan did too, man i didn't think they will make everything more complicated.

Nathan: "yo your deadly core friend really screw everything bruh, i wonder what lily thought about this"

me: "crap I do not expect they will go this far, anyway we shouldn't question much now, I can take care of jame... I think"

Nathan sigh after listening to what I said, jame what kind of weapon are you actually?... (lunchtime)

it's lunchtime, I got my food tray and headed to Nathan spot, he's waiting for me we sit together and start talking:

me: "so- they added more SC (security core) in the school"

Nathan: *chewing* "yeah most of them are equipped with high field force handgun, not a proper way to protect the students while using those stuff around"

me: "yeah I don't think they gonna care too much about us cuz their mission is jame right?"

Nathan: "yeah also it's inappropriate, anyway where's jame now?"

me: "he's in my jacket, still in cube form"

Nathan: "we might need to go to an empty place to ask him some few stuff if you know what I mean"

me: "tho I think there must be a reason asking him is better I guess"

Nathan: "good I'll meet you in the forest after school now I need to get back to my design class"

me: "see you later bud"

jame: "hi Nathan" (poke his face out of my jacket pocket)

Nathan: "hi man"

then he left, i finished my lunch and headed to my locker. I opened the locker and get some stuff, then head to my class. on the way there a school bully named skan is messing with a kid, I tried to walk around without messing with him but he seems to notice me and spoke to me.

skan: "hey you there... clare right?"


me: "yea.. you need something?", my voice sounded like a coward

skan: "yeah I am having a money issue can you hand me some?"

me: "uuh no sorry skan I don't have any"

he blocked me from going and grabbed my collar. he said

skan: "don't lie to me clare, you know I hate liars right? now give me your money whore!"

I fell down to the floor as he pushed me, I dropped all the stuff I carrying, he cracked his knuckles like he was about to start punching me, the kid he was bullying ran away, he said: "last chance clare"...then

[(x)] [(x)]

[loading.... activate matter disturb]

right when about to hit me a shock made all the light flicker, an electric aura surrounding jame in a cube, he floated up a face appeared on the cube, all doors in the hallway shut close, and skan turned around to see him. many spikes grow out from the ground on the floor and in the walls surrounding jame, jame looked at skan who now looked scared of him.

skan: "what.. is that!"

jame: "hahaha you really like bullying people right?! well, how about I show you my punishment for that, I shall rip out your eyes, pull out ur guts, grind all your bones, and turns them all to energy for my body, your flesh will be reconstructed to become my new body...YOU...WILL...KNOW...DEATH NOW RUN BEFORE I GET YOU HAHAHAHAHA!" he said while skan is scared for his life.

skan: "AHHH-"

skan ran away when a door opened, all the lights stopped flickering, the spikes disappered, jame picked all the stuff I dropped as he float toward me then he went into by jacket again.

me: "JESUS jame do you necessary had to do that?"

jame: "eh you were having trouble right? soo I helped no thank"

me: "well yes but you didn't have to do that, just... never mind"

jame: "hmp" he smiles at me as I run to the class, skan is having a trauma and tries to snitch about what happened but no one seems to believe him. he looked at me with fear as jame pokes his head out and smile at him, welp at least no one knows.

(few hours later)

it's after school, i went to the forest to meet up with Nathan, he's also invited lily to come, jame got out of my jacket and turned into his normal human form. this day is really abnormal, hope it will keep going like this.

//music mp44//

-playing: after dark/ by: Mr. kitty-

"my favorite song, it's a pretty old one, wanna hear it jame?"

[/yea sure/]


?: "do we got anything?"

?: [/no, nothing yet/]

?: "hope no one can get it cuz if they do we are done for"

?: [/yeah... coffee?/]

?: "yeah thank"


----------------- tranmission offline--------------

"jame.... where are you"

(o) {x}

"I must find you"

[(deploying projectile wing)]