*alarm sounds* it's the morning... a new day.... "wake up guys" I push Nathan's arm, and he slowly opens his eyes, Lilly also wake up, "where are we?" nathan said in his sleepy voice, we stopped last night at an abandoned house 23km from the location we need to go, this place is perfect to hide away, it's quite rundown because of time. we got out of the sleeping bag James made for us, at least we still get a good night's sleep. he still sleeping with kirie, they are hugging each other, faces pointing at each other, gotta say they look like a couple.

me: "hey you two, wake up, time to go", jame slowly open his eyes, well kirie just straight up open them, jame got up with kirie, "well time to go I guess" jame still being that one dude, kirie just being the same. we all have a quick morning routine, clothes, bath, stuff, and guns. "gotta say getting used to this shooting stuff"- nathan smiles and gets his weapon ready, Lilly agreed with him and turn to me: "yeah, I can aim more accurate with this now. what about you clare?"

me: "huh? oh yeah, same, the pistol is quite easy to handle now, not like you nathan, with the assault rifle"

nathan smirked: "heh.. I'm pro with it now-" he accidentally pull the trigger and shot at the roof, dust, and sand falling down on his head "oops- forgot to put on the safety"

me and Lilly burst out loud laughing "hahaha!"

after a while, me and everyone were ready to continue and we head off with the car, my beloved when traveling to a cube containing memories from a deadly core. we quickly got to that place, a grass field. in a sector? what?

I am quite confused about this place: "uuh jame why the grass is grey and has a red outline?" I asked jame if he knows why the grass is like this."no" he replied, his eyes are like scanning the grass. jame: "it's close guys, about 100 meters forward. let's hope the grass is normal to walk on", he then takes the first step, looks down at the grass, and turns his face to us "normal, let's go gang" he happily walking forward. we looked at each other for a moment, kirie just follow him, the three of us then quickly go with them, leaving the car behind next to the tree.

we casually moved forward, getting really close, as about 97 meters passed, we stood here in front of the wooden house, and we have a look at each other before going in. a small house, like a cabin, open the door, it squeaking out, the first thing we saw is a small and old tv, next to it, is a remote and a black cube we need to find.

"well this is easy" jame picked up the cube. me and nathan turned on the tv to see if there was a message for jame. the tv turned up, and we all look closely at it. a man in a lab coat appeared on the screen, he is wearing a mask, and we can only see his brown hair and green his eyes, he was in someplace, it looks like a small lab, there were 3 black cubes that looks similar the one jame is holding, those cubes on the table behind him. "isn't tha-" right before Lilly talk the man speak up.

stranger: "hello... you don't know me, but I know you... deathcore version 404... aka jame..."

jame: "he knows my name" jame looked closely while holding the cube.

stranger: "you probably wondering why I took away your memories... it's because... I can't let them delete you away... I can't let them create another god AI, which is being in use in bad hands. I had to work in for them for too long.... spilled too many lives...." he then took a deep breath then continue talking "I have extracted your memories into these cubes, these things are strong enough to remain and stay the same until that day come.... if... I am correct you will wake up from a lab and only know about one thing. is to assimilate and exterminate all lives on this planet... but I know you will find someone, someone who you called friend... I hope.... jame listen to me, if you found this last cube, use it, remember who you are.... there's no turning back now." after saying that, then active a device that made 3 black cubes disappeared.

kirielane: "soo that's the explanation why his memo files at these places"

stranger: "just to make sure I had set a timer from a container holding subject-13, kirielane, I assume she's the only one who knows you, I had given her information and a device blueprint that I made to help him find the files...."

nathan: "oof"

stranger: "heheh.... I have gone too far..." he then took out his mask and put it away "I am john matthews.... I am the one who caused this, I am the man who helped the dead-god organization with these sins... too powerless to do anything..... too weak..... I can only hope that this will work" he then takes out a gun and shakily put it on his head on the right.

me and everyone except kirie were surprised and shocked: "woah!"

john matthews: "haha..... good luck..... jame... they can't turn you into that thing..... remember who you are...." john pulled the trigger, the gun fired up, the bullet went straight through his brain, blood splattered everywhere me and Lilly covered our mouths, the other was looking at the scene just happened, the tv the showing us some glass tube with the name tag on them, it said D-blood...

jame: "okay.... well last one" we looked at jame, watching him finally get his memories back.

right, when he was about to absorb the cube a rocket dived down through the roof and hit the floor. "OH SH*T-" jame then dropped the cube to cover me, Lilly, and nathan, kirie tried to create a shield but it was too late. the rocket exploded knocking everyone outside and destroying the wooden house.

nathan: "what the- ... guys!!" we looked up in the sky, and a group of attacker cores was flying and aiming their weapons at us, "not again" everyone got up and ready to fight. we took out our weapons and start shooting at those cores, they start fighting back, and kirie flew up trying to use her claws to tear those cores, but they quickly got killed by us. but when kirie tried to finish the last one, a plasma blade stabbed her in the body, that guy, grim his return. grim pulled the blade out of kirie body then kicked her down, jump over to catch her before she hits the ground, grim then point his minigun from his back at 3 us, jame seeing that he turned his left arm into a railgun fired at grim, he quickly dodged the shot, and they both looking at each other.

jame smirked at him, despising him: "well... well... well, isn't that grim? the nice blade you got there, hope it doesn't break in half like your bones last time" *giggles*

grim narrowed his eyes, full of hatred: "you are too late 404..." he then looked back at the flying ship with attacker core, one of them holding the cube and bringing it onto the ship. "noo!" jame widen his eyes, he gritted his teeth "damn you" he said then shot out a smoke bomb, kirie got up again, she and he get to our spot, me, nathan and Lilly, were trying to fight off 2 attacker core, jame and kirie quickly made them drop dead, grim pointed his shoulder missile rack at us and fired, kirie created a gun then destroyed 4 missiles coming.

"jame the cube!" I yell up to tell jame about those attacker cores stealing his memories, jame replied, "yeah I know". we all run toward the ship, but got stopped by grim, he aimed the blade at nathan head, jame quickly stopped his attack using his floating claw arm, kirie blade claws behind her to attack grim, he slashed her with his left claw, and use his shoulder minigun to shoot at jame face.

"guys!" Lilly scream up, three of us then use our weapons to attack grim, and all the bullets flew straight at him, making grim lose his focus, jame, and kirie take this advantage to strike grim, and he fled back then looking at us. "get out our way!" jame rush up at him try to strike him with his blade, 2 big claw arms are trying slash grim. grim still flying, looking at jame unmoving, *ting, ting, ting, ting* a sound going up, like a coin. suddenly jame got shot in the face by something. "argh!" jame screamed up then got struck by grim, jame fallback, "what the hell" nathan said, 4 coins fall down on the ground, they look like they got shot at, we all looked at grim, from behind him a core with long white hair, hand holding a high tech revolver, that one got a cowboy hat on her head, she's wearing a short pink dress, a white long sleeve and a pocket on her waist and long grey socks. she stands next to grim, leaning at him.

unknown: *sigh* "why do I have to waste my skill on to this" she talks with a style like a person with personality, she then uses the gun to shoot the hat away, her eyes sparkling pink. "hello... DC-404-j" she looked at jame and smiled.

"Great, another one, who are you? I guess just another core made by those guys and sent here to kill me" jame looked back and spoke to her in a low voice like he was angry. "ding ding ding, you're correct, here's a coin of mine". that girl toss a dark-colored coin in front of jame face, he look at it in disgust, but before he could do anything, a shot flew straight into the coin on the ground, and then the bullet bounced and flew straight through jame skull again, black liquid and metal scraps flew out everywhere. kirie stand up, and pointed her charged sniper at the girl, a powerful shot flew out of the barrel. the girl then just toss another coin from her left hand, the sniper shot hit right in the coin, it bounced then got redirected right at kirie, she quickly ducks down, and almost got hit by her own attack. nathan was about to shoot her and grimly, Lilly stopped him from doing that: "don't....", nathan backed away.

jame then got up again, his head fully fixed, his eyes staring dead at the two, "I'll leave this to you... don't die" grim said before flying at the ship, he took the cube from the core is holding, the ship flies away, 5 attacker core form a formation next to the girl core: "I am VC-02-V, Viz, and I am here to test my skill" she throws out a bunch of coins in the sky, those coins then stopped and floating still. seeing the situation is not good, kirie told the three of us to hide, viz charged her revolver, and it released a piercing shot, the shot bouncing on the coins around the air, for what reason, the shot getting red and redder. then it flew straight through kirie body, hitting a coin from behind, and bounced back, at her, another and another. kirie got hit by a single shot, 5 times before it flew away. "kirie!" nathan scream up, jame quickly charge at her, his claws right about to hit her in the throat then suddenly she dash back then 5 attacker core attacked him, "I'll kill you!" jame yelled, he tearing attacker cores one by one before got shot right in the body by viz revolver 3 times. "I would hope so handsome, but I have to go now ta tah!" she then teleported up to the ship, then it flew away at high speed, and the coins dropped on the ground as she left. jame falls to his knees on the ground, breathing heavily...

"i... lost?" jame looked at the sky with his eyes wide open. we got out from a cover and get to kirie, she is still alive. Lilly used her healing ability on her as nathan help Lilly. I walked toward jame, thoughts on my mind, then asked him: "are you okay?".

jame looking at me: "... yeah... just...." jame started tearing up, he gritted his teeth together, and clenched his hands, two claws did the same. "I'm... sorry clare, I can't help you,..... I can't even hold that cube tight!" he said sadly. he's feeling sad, for the first time in a long time, maybe he's sad because he can't get his memories back, or can't save me...

"jame..." I said "don't get upset because you can't do what you want, you can still do it if you try again" I sat down next to him, my hand on his shoulder, "hey we still have time right? moreover you saved everyone, your friends".

jame looked at me, his eyes glistened with tears: "I don't... know, what if.... we fail again, I could lose everyone.... at that moment..." [running files] he shakes his head, around then stand up and take a breath "are the rest of you guys okay?!" he asked.

"yeah!" nathan and Lilly yelled up, kirie after being treated, they stood up with the two "we have to take it back, your memories" kirie eyebrows were slanted, and her face looks quite angry. "yeah we are not going get this far and lose. right Lilly?" nathan asked Lilly about continuing, getting jame memories back, Lilly shake her head in agreement "yeah, besides someone needs to stop them," she said. we all then looked at jame.

jame from the sad face now looks hopeful, he wipes away his tears, face makes a big smile. "alright..... y'all right someone or some people need to take them down, and those people are us". "clare.... I will cure you.... I promise" he told me, his face now filled with determination. "alright I can still track the cube, it pretty far away, and I'm sure they will use it to lure us into a trap, but we can still do it right gang?" he happily said.

everyone cheered him on, then we got everything ready, jame created more powerful weapons and armor for us, and he checked my body for the infected percentage, then we head off, coming for them.

"let's go gang" we all get on the jet jame created. "we are coming for you a** hole, hahaha!"

[GM: well.... good luck to you.... jame, don't make the same mistake as I did.....]


director: "you got it?"

viz: "he-hey! we gottem, like you ordered boss"

grim: "what do we do next?"

director: "bring it back"

(transmission offline)
