Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 4

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


Arc 3: Unknown Discovery - Chapter 4

I rub my eyes, feeling exhausted after finally satisfying everyone's sexual needs. A quick burst of Zetsu wakes me up faster to use Boundary Manipulation to bring me back to my peak condition and teleport me out of the bed where the girls decided to sleep on top of me.

After that, I looked outside through the window, and yes, the place was empty as before. No one was walking in the streets below. It's around noon, but not a single person in sight. I wonder how far we have to walk around to reach the part where most people living in this ghostly place are gathered.

If I remember correctly, Saitama lives in the eastern area of Z-City, which includes the uninhabited zone, also known as the Ghost Town. A few years ago, the frequent appearance of extremely powerful monsters caused the residents to move closer to the central area of Z-City. There are rumors that a very powerful monster lives in the uninhabited zone, scaring the civilians and causing the area to be closed to the public. However, Saitama and later Genos still live here since the mysterious monsters pose no challenge to their enormous strength.

Although, now that I think about it. This apartment and all the other buildings should be abandoned, so Saitama shouldn't have electricity or water because there's no one to maintain the building. Aside from being abandoned, Saitama shouldn't have to pay rent, but here he is, and somehow, he still has a job to pay that bill.

I look at Shu sleeping naked. Then I look away.

Maybe Shu is giving Saitama money to keep him from dying from hunger and thirst. Although, maybe not a lot since Saitama could only stay here to live.

I bet $10 that Shu is also the one who makes Saitama pay her for the services to keep the apartment running. What do you crazy voices think? Seeing that Saitama is Shu's champion. She has to pay him enough to make him work for her, but without spoiling Saitama so much that he becomes greedy for money or other things to make him work for her.

Moving on, no need to think about it any further. Saitama isn't the one I have to take care of like the girls, and I'm glad to say I didn't become Saitama's caretaker. After all, who knows what kind of payment I would get instead of the glowing books for cheats and those godlike items, which I would get back when the others visit or until they have vacation time again?

"Caretaker, you have a major task to do." Ghost appear before me.

"Oh, sure. What is the mini-task?" I ask Ghost.

"Major task." Ghost repeated.

"Mini-task, right." I continued.

"Caretaker, why are you being so difficult? Do you need help checking that your mental state is in order?" Ghost moved closer, almost bumping into my head if I didn't push it away.

"No." I scowl, knowing full well that my mental state is anything but in order, nor has it ever been in a healthy state by any standard in the multiverse. If it were, I wouldn't be part of the Eldritch pantheon, and the same goes for Ruby and Weiss and their family. None of us are really sane in any way.

"Then, why do you keep insisting the major task is a mini-task?" Ghost asks in a puzzled tone.

Just the mini-tasks alone are dangerous for most people. Now, all of a sudden, there are MAJOR tasks. Come on, Boss! This is the first time I've heard about there being a major task!

"Forget it. Just tell me what it is." I knew there was no point in being stubborn and trying to pretend that there wasn't going to be another big change in my life.

"Unlike the mini-tasks, where you could do them freely or just ignore them." Ghost begins.

I snort in disgust that Ghost would say I could actually ignore such a thing, not with the high possibility of being punished in some unknown way for not completing it.

"You are to complete the major tasks and be rewarded by being promoted to a higher level. However, if you fail to complete them, you will be forced to return to the past until you complete the major tasks in any way possible until you do." Ghost explained.

Huh, that's not what I expected when I heard about the difference between major tasks and mini-tasks.

"Wait, when you say return to the past, do you mean when I die?" I ask Ghost, because this is not much different from using the Reset & Restart cheat.

"No, it's because the major task has a time limit. If you don't complete the major task before the deadline, you will be sent back to the past at the exact time you are supposed to start your major task." Ghost answers.

"I see..."

I did not see it at all. I don't understand a fucking thing right now. Is a major task pretty much a storyline in video games?! It sounds like if I die/fail to complete a quest in the storyline, I have to go back to the last saved location!

"Look on the bright side, Caretaker. You get to do this alone!" Ghost said with a cheerful voice.

Surprisingly or not, the girls are still sleeping.

"What do you mean by alone?" I narrow my eyes at Ghost, afraid of what the Boss has in store for me.

"The Boss is going to stop the time of this world, including the ones you're assigned to take care of until you complete the major task, and you don't have to worry about finding anyone new to take care of!" Ghost informed me.

"I'm sorry, what?"

I am really scared now! This is like the unknown trials all over again! But this time, I would have to go through a time loop until I completed the major task!

"Yes, that's why the Boss had informed you to explain that you don't have to worry about any of the girls under your care going crazy during your absence and coming back to everyone as if nothing had happened." Ghost continues to be cheerful, not noticing how stressed I am.

"May I ask why now? And why all of a sudden?"

I knew I had no choice but to accept my fate. It's not that I have had many choices since I got this job. Other than being able to pick certain glowing books to read to gain new cheats and godlike items.

"Because you're going to need a higher status soon, and what you have now will not be enough in the future." Ghost answered.

"Alright." I sighed.

I wonder what is above a caretaker? Especially in the Eldritch pantheon. Any ideas, crazy voices?

"So, what's the major task and the time limit I have to accomplish within the timeframe?" I ask Ghost, already physically prepared and somewhat mentally ready.

"Remember the world Worm?" Ghost spins around in the air.

"Yeah, why?" I narrow my eyes at Ghost.

"Well, some entities found an unclaimed world of Worm, and the one you visited with Nyarla happened to be near an unclaimed one. So the Eldritch pantheon claimed it after you and Nyarla left." Ghost explains. "Your major task? Pick someone you can influence to do what you want and let them survive against an Endbringer: Leviathan attacking Brockton Bay on May 6th. What is your deadline? The day after Leviathan attacked Brockton Bay."

"Huh... Might be a little tricky." I mutter to myself, as this major task is somewhat similar to my job description as a caretaker, just not in the same way as before.

"Yes, so choose wisely, because the moment you choose your target. That person is someone you must always influence and survive the Leviathan attacking Brockton Bay, which means you must stay in the city until then." Ghost explained.

Now, that isn't troubling at all...

"Alright, are there any other restrictions I need to know about other than I have to pick one, stick with that person, influence them, and stay in Brockton Bay until Leviathan attacks? The person I choose has to survive the encounter. Anything else?" I rub my forehead, feeling a growing headache.

"No, that's all. Are you ready to leave?" Ghost asks me.

"Hm." I look back at the girls, all naked, and I really wonder if I should have one last sex session before I leave. Well, I can always do it when I get back.

I looked back at Ghost; then suddenly, I found myself outside the apartment, standing on some random roof in the middle of the night.

Of course, Ghost turns invisible again. Just great.

Anyway, before I do anything. I have to check something real quick first.

"Ghost, display the List of Outsiders." I order.

"Displaying List of Outsiders." Ghost reappear, projecting the list.

1. Background Identity: Eldritch pantheon's Caretaker - Current Identity: Jin Sho

I raise an eyebrow to see that there is no one there but me. It's a bit strange, but then again, it's good for me. There is no need to worry about someone from the multiverse showing up and making things extra difficult.

"Hack the system of this world, prevent anyone from tracking me and mentioning me." I ordered Ghost, who was about to turn invisible again.

"Orders received." Ghost spins quickly before stopping. "Orders completed." It then disappears as it becomes invisible.

Now that's done. I should decide who to control during my stay in this world. I jump down from the roof while using the Delayed Effect, making myself somewhat invisible to anyone still alive at the time by delaying their minds from comprehending my existence. By then, I would be long gone before they could fully register me.

I look around and feel my right eyebrow twitch.

I let out a slow sigh.

I sigh again when I realize I'm in an area filled with drug addicts, rubbing my eyes as I expand En outward to cover the entire city.

Yup, I'm smack in the middle of The Merchants' territory. Great, just great.

So, with that knowledge. I make my way out of said area, as I have no desire to be run over by a killer monster truck or whatever crazy vehicle made by Squealer, The Merchants' Tinker that specializes in vehicles—going for size, augmentations, and additions when she builds her vehicles.

Although, I would like to find a temporary base/building to stay in during my time in Worm. Staying in a building with drug addicts who might do something stupid and crazy while high on drugs. That wouldn't be the best idea, not to mention any Capes from The Merchants who might show up where I am.

It's going to be a long night; I just know it. And I don't even know the time before the final day.

I think about it and decide to find out later after I have found a decent place to stay for the night and maybe longer.

In no time, I was out of the areas run by The Merchants, or at least out of the areas where these drug addicts congregate.

Now, the decision is whether to do it the legal way or the illegal way in order to get a place to stay.

I looked around. No motel or hotel was in sight, and the ones I saw in En were too far away.

The sound of screams came from an alley. It's very classic and clichéd. Also, the illegal way to find a place to stay, it is.

I go to where the screams came from.