The Duel of the Crimson Phoenix

ZHAN SHENG LAY IN bed, his body weak and his mind clouded with the aftereffects of his devil's blood back lash. Everything had swarmed him until dark spots danced before his vision and before he could think the ground was rushing up to meet him. The disciples had gotten him back to his room and his father called for a healer. Zhan Sheng could barely breathe around the dagger in his chest.

Zhan Sheng stared blankly at the ceiling. He had heard the sound of a pipa in the distance, its melancholy notes echoing through the night like the cry of a wounded bird. He closed his eyes and let the music wash over him, feeling the weight of his unrequited love for Lei Bo pressing down on his chest like a boulder. It was as if his heart had been shattered into a thousand pieces, each one stabbing him with pain.

The pipa's strings seemed to be playing the story of his life, a tragic tale of love and loss. He longed to be able to marry Lei Bo, but their society's rules forbade it since Lei Bo was a tainted omega. He felt like a bird with clipped wings, unable to soar freely in the sky.

As the music faded away, Zhan Sheng opened his eyes and a tear trailed down his cheek. He knew that he would never be able to marry Lei Bo, but he couldn't stop his heart from yearning for him. He closed his eyes again, feeling the weight of his unrequited love like a chain around his heart, pulling him down into the depths of despair.

Black mist swirled around him and he could barely breathe from the crushing weight on his chest. The images of Lei Bo round and pregnant with another alpha's pup nearly drove him mad, he couldn't believe it. He didn't want to believe. But it would explain why Lei Bo was so reluctant to be with him. Zhan Sheng's eyes burned with tears, his hands curled into a fist as he tried to make sense of what was going on around him. His room was small and quiet, filled with the soft glow of candlelight and the smell of medicinal herbs. He lay there lost in thought before the door creaked open and Lei Bo stepped into the room. Zhan Sheng's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him, torn between anger and longing.

"What are you doing here?" Zhan Sheng demanded, his voice weak but filled with accusation.

Lei Bo said nothing, his expression stoic and calm. He moved towards the bed, his steps measured and deliberate, like a still lake on a windless day.

Zhan Sheng watched him approach, his mind spinning with confusion and hurt. Lei Bo had rejected him time and time again, and now he had learned that Lei Bo had a daughter. Lei Bo had given birth. The thought made his stomach knot. He couldn't stand it. Lei Bo was his. Another alpha had claimed him, had been inside of him.

Zhan Sheng was disgusted.

Yet, at the same time boiling with jealousy. This Lei Xun would pay with his life for defiling his Lei Bo. Zhan Sheng's hands curled into a fist and his eyes remained sharp.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Zhan Sheng demanded, his voice rising in frustration. "Why did you keep it a secret?"

Lei Bo's eyes flickered with a hint of cinnabar as he met Zhan Sheng's gaze. "It wasn't my secret to tell," he said simply.

What kind of bullshit answer was this?

Zhan Sheng glared at him, his emotions churning inside him like a turbulent sea. He wanted to reach out and touch Lei Bo, to feel his skin against his own, but he knew that it was impossible. He wanted to grab Lei Bo and force him onto the bed. Zhan Sheng's anger blazed like a bonfire, intense and all-consuming. His eyes burned with a fierce determination, and his voice was sharp and cutting.

"Why did you reject me?" he asked. "Was it because of her?"

Lei Bo's expression softened slightly, like a glacier beginning to thaw. "No," he said quietly. "It was never because of her."

Zhan Sheng stared at him, searching for some hint of emotion in his still face. He wanted to reach out and touch him, to feel the heat of his skin against his own, but he knew that he couldn't.

"Then what the fuck are you here for? Why did you reject me? What do you want?" Zhan Sheng's emotions were spiraling. Everything about this omega made him want to tear the world to shreds, but at the same time how could he? Was it Lei Bo's fault that he had a daughter? Was it his fault for being kicked out of his sect? Zhan Sheng knew he was being irrational, but he couldn't help himself. Lei Bo's lashes fluttered and he stared down at the bedding.

"Your father must have told you why I was away."

"He said you were on a mission for him, smuggling cargo, but now I don't even know what the fucking truth is anymore." Zhan Sheng was confused. If during all that time Lei Bo was away on a mission, then when did he get pregnant? Zhan Sheng would have noticed if Lei Bo were pregnant during his childhood, but perhaps all of this happened when Lei Bo was away?

Zhan Sheng couldn't be sure.

For a moment, the room was filled with silence, broken only by the soft sound of Zhan Sheng's breathing. Then Lei Bo spoke again, his voice low and steady.

"I came here to tell you the truth," he said. "Lei Fang isn't my daughter. She's my sister, and I've been away for ten years looking after her. She's old enough now to travel, and she's coming here to join the sect."

Zhan Sheng's heart lifted at the news, his mind suddenly clear. He looked at Lei Bo, really looked at him, and saw the stillness in his eyes, the calm surface of his being. "What?"


I am such a fool.

Zhan Sheng's heart slammed against his ribcage. Deep down he knew it didn't make sense. There was no way Lei Bo had a daughter, from the time he's been in the Burning Fire Sect, Lei Bo hasn't left his side. If Lei Xun really did get a hold of him, his father would have been notified almost immediately. These rumors were just to smear Lei Bo's reputation. Lei Bo's entire face flushed including the tips of his ears. "That's why we can't be together. It's too much of a responsibility—"

He was like a lake, deep and unfathomable, with hidden currents and hidden depths. And Zhan Sheng knew that he would never be able to resist the lure of those depths, no matter how much he tried. Zhan Sheng grabbed him and dragged Lei Bo onto his lap. Lei Bo squeaked and flailed, but Zhan Sheng held him tightly. "What are you doing? Stop it—"

Zhan Sheng silenced him with a kiss. Lei Bo melted, he sighed through his nose holding onto Zhan Sheng tightly. His tongue teases Lei Bo's lips, gently prying them open and they kissed until Lei Bo makes a noise at the back of his throat. Zhan Sheng pulled away and looked at the flushed omega, his eyes wide and his expression debauched. "Lei Bo…did you really think I'd give a shit about that stuff?"

Lei Bo's face turned even redder.

"I don't care if she's your sister, your aunt, or your brother," Zhan Sheng tucked a stray hair behind his ear. "I want you. I love you. I spoke with my father, after the competition we will marry. As long as you are mine…that's all I care about. Will you be mine?"

Lei Bo shook his head. "I'm too old, it's not appropriate it—"

Zhan Sheng silenced him again with a kiss and Lei Bo kissed him back with equal intensity. He kissed downward, each breath, each sigh, each touch a fire over Lei Bo's flesh. He pulled back and touched Lei Bo's neck and when he scented alert contentment, he replaced his finger with his lips, brushing and placing soft kisses over that delicate thin flesh before he rasped his teeth gently over it and relished the omega's small shiver.

Zhan Sheng looked into Lei Bo's eyes and felt a sudden urge to kiss him again. He reached out and touched Lei Bo's cheek, then leaned in to plant a soft kiss on his lips. Lei Bo's scent was reminiscent of a tranquil stream, calm and soothing with hints of wildflowers and fresh moss. The sensation was almost overwhelming. He felt like time had stopped and there was nothing else in the world but Lei Bo and himself. Zhan Sheng knew, at that moment, that he never wanted to let go.

"Lei Bo…" Zhan Sheng whispered, his mouth tugging into a devilish grin. "You're mine already."

Pressing a kiss to his palm, Lei Bo looked deep into his eyes. "How does the devil love me?"

With all his heart. Zhan Sheng wanted to say but tucked a hair behind his ear. "This devil loves with iron and steel."