Unmasking the Enemy

The vein in Zhan Sheng's head pulsated. Nobody dared to speak to him like that. The only person who did was Lei Bo and that was well before he became the Devil Venerable. Zi Yin's chin lifted and he crossed his arms in a mulish stance and Zhan Sheng knew he wasn't going anywhere. Taking in Zi Yin's angry, but cute expression reminded him of a kitten. A laugh bubbled from his chest and he shook his head, catching General Mao and Zi Yin off guard. "Very well, Omega. I'll stay in bed…" his grin turned wicked. "So…why don't you join me?" He grabbed Zi Yin and yanked him onto the bedside him.

Zi Yin yelped, his arms flailing before Zhan Sheng caught them and held the omega down.

"Zhan Sheng you beast!"

"What? Since you've been taking care of me ceaselessly, I have yet to thank you and I will…thoroughly…" Zhan Sheng leaned in, placing a tiny kiss on his cheek. "But for now, sleep. You look exhausted."