Poor Joffrey

"Undercover mission? What do you mean?" Damian asked.

The first subject Darius wanted to discuss did not surprise him — Damian expected it — but an undercover mission?

That was something that never crossed his mind, and when Darius touched the matter, it genuinely surprised Damian.

"Yes, correct. It will happen in three months. You see, there's another school, similar to this one, that teaches superhumans how to control their powers,"

"It is common for all the top schools, like Garmony, to send their first-year students to fight against each other, in a way to see what school has the best teaching methods,"

"You will have to go there to fight in this tournament thing, no doubt, but I want you to do something else for me," Darius said.

After Damian left the principal's office, he could not believe what Darius said.