The Dawn Headquarters in a Village, and Cute Cows?

"This place smells like shit!" Serana said, moving through the sewer, making sure not to step on pieces of shit.

"Of course, this is where all the shit goes. Let's keep moving and leave this city as fast as possible."

"Where will we go? We cannot go back to the school now!" Vanessa said.

Serana and Hazel were only in the school because Damian asked Darius, and the two did not like it very much.

Vanessa also hated it, especially after someone tried to kill her inside her house! Damian was the only one feeling sad about leaving Garmony, as he would miss his friends.

"Let's first see how the situation goes. Can they find my face and make me a wanted man? I covered my face the entire time."

Damian then remembered the student was still tied inside his room, "fuck."

He had used the identity of that student to get inside the school, but with everything happening so fast, he couldn't return and free the student.