Dragoon Knight?

The vampire spilled it out, afraid Damian's sword would kill him. All Damian needed was a little pressure to break the vampire.

"What do you know about this place? Also, how did you leave if this is a dragon's lair?" Damian asked as they flew in the direction the man said.

"T-The dragon was asleep, that's why. But the portal was there, I am certain of it! I saw it from afar!"

Damian analyzed the vampire's body language and how he spoke to spot any lies.

'He's telling the truth.'

"But who are you, anyway? Why do you want a portal to leave this dungeon floor?"

Damian stared intensely at the vampire who asked that, making him feel uneasy; scratching his hands and looking to the side to avoid Damian's gaze.

"I am the one asking questions here," Damian said.

"I was just trying to mingle, chill. We both know you are the boss here," the vampire said, rolling his eyes.