Looking for a Mount

"A bronze token? How can I improve this?" Damian asked as he held the guild's token.

The registration was successful, and now both Damian and Frederic were part of the Adventurer's Guild. He still had some questions about it, and Chris had to be the one answering all of them.

"Just do the quests and that's it. Each completed quest grants you a point within the guild, and that will allow you to increase your ranking, picking better quests. The number of high-ranked adventurers is low, so you can get some cash if you try hard enough," Chris said.

Chris was also a bronze-rank adventurer, but with the recent missions he completed, the silver-rank was on its way. That was something he worked hard for, with the help of Polly and Judith.

"This is feeling like a medieval world or something," Damian said.

"Well, we have little technology here anymore, and the humans living inside this floor or any other floor aren't only from Earth but people who grew here."