Raikono, god of thunder

Damian stared at the wolf from afar, relieved that it was not charging towards him like a blood-starved beast.

"I hope you have a plan," Frederic said.

"Me? A plan? Of course I do."

"Enlighten me."

"Go forward and fight it!"

Frederic was silent. He had seen Damian fight in two tough battles against draugrs, and he knew that the giant was confident in his abilities. However, the draugrs were weak when compared to the wolf standing before them. Frederic was not sure if Damian could defeat the wolf on his own.

"Mortals," the white wolf said. "What are you doing in my domain?"

The wolf's voice was deep and resonant, and it echoed across the mountaintop. It was not a mental message like some other beasts had used. The wolf was speaking aloud in a language that Damian and Frederic could understand.