Goblin Problem? Over

The goblins were no match for Damian. He easily avoided their attacks, even grabbing one of the arrows they shot at him.


One of the goblins yelled, a sound that Damian guessed was one of shock.

'It does not matter what you are saying. You will die today!' Damian thought.

With one swing of his sword, Damian cut the goblin in half. He moved through the battlefield like a dancer, swiftly dodging and hitting the weak spots of his enemies.

Damian did not kill all of them. He needed to know where their base was, and he knew that the goblins would not tell him willingly. He would have to use his mind powers.

Damian placed both of his hands on the goblin's head, closed his eyes, and activated his mind powers. The goblin stood there, unable to move, feeling an itching pain inside its head.

After a few seconds, the goblin was no more. It fell to the ground, dead, just like its friends.