[Bonus chapter] The Seagull’s Nest

Damian couldn't shake off the strange feeling that the sword he had taken from the castle gave him, but he decided to keep quiet about it. It was not the time to worry about such things.

They loaded the carriage with some supplies from the castle, such as food, warm clothes, and blankets. The winter was harsh, and the snow was falling heavily that day.

"We're lucky to have this carriage. So, tell me more about yourself," Lila said.

She didn't know that the woman who was driving the horse was a succubus named Shareva. Shareva had concealed her horns and other features that would reveal her true nature.

Only Damian, Natasha's sister, and Lila were in the back of the carriage. Shareva had volunteered to control the horse, since she was less affected by the cold than the others.

"Damian," he said, taking Lila's hand and kissing it gently. "I'm a friend of Natasha, the former captain of the guard in the castle."