Damian's Best Work

The rumors about a skilled enchanter master spread through Lemoria. Some people started showing up at Damian's shop, asking for his services!

Damian, without any other way to handle it, decided to limit his services to three at a time, meaning he would only enchant three items, rest, and repeat.

Now, that was only for personal enchantments, like the one that the lady asked, the fire sword. Damian still enchanted cheaper items for both practice and to sell them in his shop!

These items were much easier to enchant because of their low quality, but after being enchanted they became a lot better, some even better than expensive items! That was what made Damian's shop even more popular.

People from Lemoria, and some from nearby towns as well, came to his shop to buy the items on display. Heck, some people from faraway towns came there too!