Damian is a Necromancer

The news about his friends. It was something Damian had been waiting for a long time, and apparently, it was finally time.

"What news?" Damian said, grabbing Frederic's arms, "What news?"

Frederic put his hands on his shoulder, "Relax, calm down. Sit."

Damian breathed in and out, trying to relax and wait for Frederic's words.

"The good news is that someone saw Vanessa and Hazel. Unfortunately, no one has seen your father yet," Frederic said, "But the bad news is that Hazel and Vanessa are not on this dungeon floor."

"What? Why? Why would they leave the safe floor for humankind? It does not make sense." Damian said.

He could not understand the reason behind their actions, and Frederic was in the same situation.

"I have no idea. The only information I have is that someone saw the two in a small town near a portal that leads out of the tenth floor," Frederic said.

"At least it's something…."