Damian's Transformation! Monster Versus Monster

Damian and Ingram were at a loss as to how to proceed in the battle. Miller, on the other hand, knew exactly what he wanted: to eliminate both of them and satiate the rage burning within him.

With his newfound form, Miller dashed towards Damian with incredible speed, thrusting his lance forward. The attack was swift and powerful, slicing through the air like a razor.

"Damn it, I'm in trouble," Damian thought, realizing the near impossibility of evading such a ferocious onslaught. Miller had unleashed his full force, intent on disposing of Damian as quickly as possible.

"Die, insignificant human!" Miller bellowed with a raspy and chilling voice.

In that very moment, a strong gust of wind materialized beside Damian, propelling him away from the impending strike. However, Miller showed no signs of stopping. He swiftly redirected his assault towards Ingram, plunging the lance deep into his stomach.