Learning more about the situation

She cried as if there was no tomorrow. It was the first time someone came to aid her and her sister. Nessia remembered the time she still had her family taking care of her, and could not hold her tears.

Damian said nothing, and he just let her cry and take all of that feeling out of her chest. It was nice to have moments like that.

Cassia walked over and hugged her sister near the campfire, and the two stayed there for a while. Damian went over the campfire and sat too, feeling the warmth shove away the night cold.

When Nessia stopped crying, she looked at Damian and said, "Will you really help us? If I am being honest with you, I don't trust people who are too kind. That's a sad thing about the world we live in."

She was not wrong. Damian was the same type of person, and even after the whole crying scene, he did not fully trust the two sisters. It could all be a trap to get him.