To me

Key backed away from the man,slowly.With each step she took,he moved closer instead.Fear engulfed her mind.She tried to point the gun at him again,her hands trembling on the trigger,but in the blink of an eye,he was right next to her.He knocked her weapon out of her hand with the handle of his scythe.His hand then formed a fist which landed right into Key's cheek and sent her flying straight into the window of a store.The glass shartered into little pieces and the whole store got wrecked down.

"You see!I was being merciful until now!" screamed Meyer at the destroyed store hoping Key heard him just to tease her more.

A dark silhouette appeared from the mist of the destroyed store.Light shined on its face revealing it was Key covered in bruises and blood.She was feeling a metalic taste in her mouth as blood was filling her throat.It was slowly dripping from her hands and bare legs.She took a step towards Meyer,even with all the pain she was feeling.Her mind became clear.She saw only a white void in front of her,nothing more.

"I can't.I just can't.I can't let him kill me now.I finnaly have something to live for.I can't die like them." tought Key to herself as images of her parents and people that died because of her flashed through her mind.

"I can't be weak.This fear,I can't let it reach me.I can't cry for myself anymore,because if I do I will end up like them,all the training,all the time,even if little,spent with Takada would have been in vain AND I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN." screamed Key in her own toughts as she clenched her fist.Her mind and body finnaly understood she had to overcome her fear and fight.Everything in front of her picked color again and her eyes took the redness of a flame inside them.

She put her left leg in front of her as the right one stayed behind,one of her arms was pointed,with the fist clenched,at Meyer as the other one was in front of her face.She was in a battle stance finnaly ready to fight for herself.

"I am done running.I have to fight.I have to show him what I can do too.I have to do it for him and most importantly for me.I am finnaly fighting to survive in this world." tought Key looking at Meyer dead in the eye.

"Oho.I see you are serious now.So,you really don't wanna make this easier for the both of us." screamed Meyer making fun of her,but Key was having none of it.With slow steps she was approaching.Meyer started to rant again about being merciful and all,but Key didn't even flinch at his words.

"You talk too much." said Key with a dead voice as she spit blood on the ground.

Meyer blinked just once more until Key was just gone from his vision.He wanted to look after her,but was met with a straight punch to the guts.A warm feeling overcame his body like an electric shock just hit him.He was pushed back making a trail in the ground.His hand started trembling on the scythe,but not out of fear,but of anger that she even lent a hit on him.His arrogance was way up his head for him to even realise that his oppenent was already preparing another punch,but she wasn't even near him.

Lighting was coming out of Key's hand as she clenched it with all her power.The sound of blood puring down with sweat was getting overcome by the electrifying sparks coming out of Key's hand.She took the battle stance once more and a click happend in her mind.It was the first time a power like this even came through,it must have been her battle spirit that finnaly got into her body.It was like the usual transparent hand went into her own and fused it's power with it.The immense charge made even the ground shake.With all the force in her lungs,she let out a scream and with a punch in the air she sent a transparent,flying fist towards her enemy.The color of the fist was different too, from the usual purple,being a light shade of blue.It was flying in the air with an overwhelming speed,even for the human eye .

It managed to hit its target as Meyer didn't even grasp what happend and the impact was tremendeous.Cracks in the street were made at Meyer's legs,steam was coming out of the ground and even if he blocked,almost his whole body was covered in bruises and burn marks.His eyebrows were stiff,his nose-long and his face covered in freckles and bruises.He somehow kept that look intact,but his body was almost tore up.Even his coat was soaked in blood and his clothes-wrecked and burnt.For him,it felt like he was struck by lightning with heat enveloping all his limbs.His whole body was in shock,he was feeling like all his bones were crushed to dust,his muscles were sore and petrified and his head was under an intense headache.Ignoring the pain he moved his hand with the scythe to the right and slowly started to walk.Every step fissures in his limbs were exploding with blood,but he kept his head down and kept on walking.

"Wow!This was quite the hit!You truly are some witch...Then I guess I must be the one to burn you." spoke Meyer,through all the pain,keeping his arrogant self intact.Soon enough the adrenaline kicked in and numbness overcame his body.His mind became stagnant on one wish,to see the face in front of him cut in half.

He forced some air out of his lungs and rushed right at Key.His footstepts kept a lingering sound like he was pushing through a sand storm,but that still only damanged a small amount of his speed.

Being finnaly in front of Key,he swinged his scythe at her,but she pushed it with her own hands out of the way and went for a punch.Meyer took his head from its trajectory and pierced Key's stomach with the handle of his weapon.He rotated his tool in the air.Key jumped back and went for a low kick,but Meyer's reaction was fast enough to take his leg out of the way as he jumped to her left and swinged his scythe down from the highest point he could bring it to.It only managed to make a crack in the ground with Key managing to somehow evade the attack.She,then exhaled,formed a fist with her hand and to Meyer's surprise a transperent,barely seen by the human eye,light blue fist came out of her back that went directly in his face.He was launched into a building,making a crack in its wall.He jumped back in the fight right after.A gust was pushing the blood off his face as he started to run with his scythe behind him. Sparks were made on the impact of the weapon with the ground with little bits of blood painting the trail of the middle aged assassin.On the other hand,Key's whole body was burning,her black,silcky hair was getting blown away by the strong wind with the sent of blood going up to her head as tireness almost took her by surprise,but her strong will was still pushing her past her limits.

She clenched her teeth and also rushed right at Meyer.They both managed to exchange blows with Key getting hit with the upper part of his scythe in the chin and Meyer with the top of her knuckles on his forehead.Key managed to get slighly burnt,but she brushed it off as she spew some blood on the ground,still being hurt by the first blow.Meyer also got bruised by her,but he ignored it and went on to dogde the jab Key threw at him next.Another jab and another went going his way as Key didn't even stop to catch her breath.Her knuckles were getting teared to the bone with every blow.Her eyes were white like she was blind,her teeth were clenched and her expression looked like it was fueled by rage.Even if she threw a lot of punches all of them were paried with the handle of Meyer's scythe.He managed to push her back with a front kick in the guts.Air was forced out of Key's lungs with this shot.

With his tongue out in the air and his scythe above his head he swinged it in Key's way.She somehow blocked it with her bare hands,getting burnt in her palms,but the strenght added to the swing by Meyer's body was too overwhelming and it sent her flying into another store.More shattered glass,more bruises and more blood was spilled.Her dress got even more wrecked and ripped,showing a part of her stomach and her shoulder.She stepped out of the store through the broken window as it was a store with a big main window next to the entrance.She stepped on the glass outside and moved through the mist,through the wind with her mind clear and her eyes keen on Meyer.The flactuations of her breath were driving her insane.The little,broken bits of wood from some shelves she was launched into were hurting her like hell,but she stepped through it all.

"Fighting someone to take their life.Just why?WHY?" screamed Key at the man dressed in black in front of her.

"WHY?Isn't it obvious.I am Germany's Reaper,the great Meyer and I hunt every little animal taking human shape in this world." responded Meyer with fury.Her sarcastic confussion was a total surpise to him.

"So it's fame,money,a name and that's it.Just stupid human desires."

"Yeah...It is in fact all of that!What can I say,I am not trying to have some higher purpose.I am just a killer that felt like this would be the true challenge of my life.The one I was looking for."

"It is true,you are just a killer.Those stupid photos of yours...." sighed Key in dissapointment,finnaly understanding the purpose of the letters.

"Haha,so you got the hang of them.Yeah,they were about me.I just wanted my prey to know the hand that bites them." laughed sarcastically Meyer and then affirmed what Key originally tought to herself.It felt seemly that those were all just made to scare her,to make her know that some psyhopath is on her trail.

"You killed them didin't you.Did you feel good about it?" asked Key keeping a narrow look linear to the eyes of the brutal man.

His shoulders shook,his face fell down as if he felt some sort of agony inside him,but he strangely looked up at her.He tilted his head and with a bright and calm expression he affirmed with all his might "Yes.I did.".His defined jawline and seriousness in his words made it even more irritating for Key.It was like he didn't feel anything about the lives he took unlike her,where the dreams and cries hunted her head for days without end.Her toughts went askew every time she ended a life.

Those words marked the continuation of their fight.She bowed down to the ground.She felt its rigidness,its solitude.She must be like that,she must not fret before the cruelty inbodied in this world.She felt it,the strenght she needed.It was between light and dark,between the ground and the sky.It felt like a lightning bolt crosing through her mind.She had to tire him down before it was time for the combination of two different elements.So different,yet so alike,just like her of two different worlds.She scrunched by punching the pavement her eyes were keen on.

Her hands flickered,her eyes rapidly blinked,her breath got tight and heart sank with another blow going perfetcly into Meyer's jaw.Blood bursted out of his mouth with the impact.The attack was a surpise to him too.A second ago his enemy was on the ground and in the next she punched him with all her might.He just wanted to catch his breath before attacking again,but was met with a blow before he could even think.

He was fast,but not as fast as her.Even his first move in the fight didn't compare to this new-found speed of his enemy,but it didn't matter in the slightest.

He looked down in despair and then rapidly raised his eyes to glare at his opponent,which he tought was weak mere moments ago.He spew some more blood on the pavement and took a sharp intake of breath.His veins were visible as he was strangulating the handle of his weapon.

He once again went for a pierce with the scythe,but the whole attack was stopped with a hardened punch.Her blue enchanting eyes bulging through the orbits flashed in his view before his whole weapon was shattered.

He was left only with the handle in his hands,but he quickly threw it away.He looked up in fury and then bit his lip to the point blood came out.His anger was insufferable with his muscles already petrified,he pushed them to a new limit.His whole body radiated a blood lust that Key has never seen before.He was making noises like a caged animal.

Soon enough,he finnaly took out his shotgun situated on his waist.It was a Baretta 682,an old double-barrel shotgun with a wood handle and a long barrel and a forearm made out of some old pine wood with an inscription of a family name on it.Along his waist he let down two machines equipped with grappling hooks of the size of a finger.

"The old man...the shotgun.It's the same." tought Key to herself,making the connection between the shotgun the youth used in the photo she saw and the one Meyer is holding.

"You kept that as a souvenir!You heartless monster." screamed Key with arrogance in her hoarse voice.

"Hahaha...It's on!" laughed Germany's Grim Reaper in the face of the dark angel he has been fighting,ignoring her question as if the answear didn't matter at all.

Like a bee to a flower,a hunter to his prey,Meyer felt all the intensity of the fight overcome his senses as he became a hunting machine.