
Jensen admires the suit for his crowning ceremony, which is to take place in two days. The deep blue fabric is rich and smooth, embezzled with the diamond emblems of the Ice Kingdom shimmering on the breast pocket. Tassels hang from the shoulders in silver color. It reminds him of his father, King Louis, dressed in his formal wear when attending functions in the kingdom. He is taking his father's place now that he is gone.

“How will I ever measure up to you, father?” Jensen whispers into his empty room while staring into the fabric in his grasp.

Sliding the fabric on his body, Jensen looks into the mirror. He resembles his past father, with blond hair and a sharp face.

His guts turn as waves crash inside him. He must calm his nerves before the day arrives. He takes off the suit and carefully sets it in the room’s corner with less dust. The morning light enters through a window as the sunrise peaks in. A small string of light lands on the suit's blue hue. Before Jensen's mind thinks about the ceremony, a knock disrupts his thoughts.

“May I come in?” says Kyiv from behind the bedroom door.

“Yes,” says Jensen.

Kyiv comes in alone with a single paper in his hand. Clearing his voice, Kyiv speaks his mind.

“I took the time to set a date with Lady Airi. I believe she will be of your liking,” says Kyiv.

Jensen opens his eyes in surprise, but he quickly composed himself; he does, after all, need a wife sooner than later.

“When is the date?” says Jensen.

“This evening at sunset in the garden. Everything is to be prepared,” says Kyiv.

“Very well,” says Jensen, touching his sleeve's cuffs.

A soft light glows on the grass in the garden from the candlelight. Jensen makes his way to a table set among the plants, casting shadows from the light source. Sitting there is a woman with light brown colored hair. Jensen gets closer.

“My pleasure to meet you, Lady Airi,” says Jensen, extending his hand to the women.

The woman dressed in a flowy pink dress gets up and curtsies.

“The pleasure is all mine, your highness,” says Lady Airi.

“Please call me only Jensen,” says Jensen.

“Very well, Jensen,” says Lady Airi, flushing a bit. Jensen notices the color in her checks by candlelight.

They sit down together and talk. Jensen finds Lady Airi to be soft-spoken and shy. She is, regardless, good to converse with about politics and art.

To end the night, Jensen gives Airi a quick hug, she feels warm and inviting.

It is late that night when Jensen walks to the art room.

“I see you started without me,” says Jensen.

Liam turns to look at his brother with a paintbrush in his hand. They sit next to each other as they work on their artwork. Jensen paints a picture of the ice gnome they meet on their trip. They remind him of the wildness of the Ice Kingdom and their strength. Jensen glances over at Liam's work as a pair of Pegasus wings emerge from the brush strokes. If Liam could grow wings, Jensen concludes Liam would fly through the forest in a heartbeat. They finish their paintings. Jensen excuses himself for his private lesson with Professor Ivy.

Going up into the tower, Jensen finds his Professor writing notes on the board. Jensen enters the room quietly to not disturb.

“Come in,” says Professor Ivy.

Jensen sits down with his back to a wall.

“We have some things to go over, important lessons,” says Professor Ivy.

“About my crowning, I heard,” says Jensen.

“It is of utmost importance that I tell you: the Ice Kingdom needs a ruler to lead in the thick and thin. Just like ice, we have times of thawing and must adapt,” says Professor Ivy.

“Are you asking me if I am fit to rule, is there something else I should know,” says Jensen.

“Rule you will. That's all I have for you,” says Professor Ivy.

Jensen leaves the tower, and it's already late at night. He must sleep for the crowning tomorrow morning.

Jensen awakes to the sound of people walking in his room. A servant leaves his finishing touches, a cape to drape over, shoes, and gloves that match his suit. Another person, a beautician, comes in to fix up his hair and face. The process is complete as Kyiv comes to take him to the front gates of the city's main square.

Jensen sees Liam inside the carriage on the way into the square.

“Today's the day,” says Liam, clasping Jensen's shoulder lightly.

“Yes. It is, brother,” says Jensen, hitting his brother in the shoulder.

Jensen stands on a wooden stage. In front of him are a multitude of people. A priest ordains the procedure. A septum in hand to show Jensen’s rule. At last, Kyiv brings out a shiny object.

“King Jensen Orlean of Ice Kingdom,” says the priest.

The golden and silver crown sits on top of Jensen’s head- he is King. The applause rings throughout his head as the crowd beams at Jensen, their new king. Jensen smiles back as a wave of fear surges deep within his stomach; his palms go sweaty as he holds the septum through his gloves. Kyiv places a hand on his shoulder and reaches to take the septum back to its spot. Jensen lets out a puff of air and catches the glance of his brother, Liam, who gives a small smile back. People in the city begin to sing songs they just create on the spot. The flute and string instruments mingle with the voices as people dance in the street. A private party retires to the castle, but before Jensen speaks to his people.

“Attention all subjects, thank you for attending my crowning. I offer you my loyalty. Have a fair day,” says Jensen in his loud voice.

People cheer dispersing at both sides, allowing him a way into the carriage. As Jensen walks almost to the crowd, they shake his hand, and he smiles at them.

Once inside the castle walls, Jensen realizes he is responsible for the well-being of all the people outside, and the weight of this comes to him.

“Brother, how are you,” says Liam.

“Good, it’s all so sudden,” says Jensen.

“You’ll make a great ruler,” says Liam.

Liam and Jensen are taken by a servant to the dining hall, where a great meal is set for the celebration. Plates are filled until everyone is satisfied. Only the close members of the castle attended the dinner. In the end, Kyiv stands up.

“A toast to King Jensen,” says Kyiv.

“King Jensen,” says everyone.

Everyone goes to their sleeping quarters.

“See you tomorrow, Liam,” says Jensen to his brother. Liam does not answer back. Jensen disregards his lack of talk as tiredness until the next morning.

Jensen can’t find Liam anywhere in the castle; he asks the stable masters, who after prying confesses.

“Prince Liam set off into the Fire Kingdom. Said he had something important to do” says the stable master, Nicholas. Nicholas stares from the floor to the stables.

Indeed, Jensen sees that one of the horses is missing. Jensen wonders why this important matter caused Liam to leave so suddenly.