
Fire Kingdom Fall 89’

Rosaline stands next to Liam as the wind blows through the trees behind them. The dried-up leaves from the trees make rustling noises all around them. The wind blows the loose orange, and brown leaves around their feet. In the distance, an owl hoots high in a branch. Its call is a clear alarm in the night. An alarm the Fire Kingdom does not realize nature has given them for the two intruders stand at the edge of the forest ready to enter.

Liam lifts his hand slowly, presses his hand to his lips, and then lifts the black cloth cover off to reveal his mouth.

“We should stay close together to walk across the field,” says Liam looking over at Rosaline and then at the field stretching in front of them.

“We can use the invisibility magic to hide ourselves,” says Rosaline.

“Let’s get across on our means first and once we near the castle turn on the invisibility for us,” says Liam.